[Q] Xorg VNC driver?

Pat Kane pekane52 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 12:33:24 PDT 2009

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Matthias Hopf <mhopf at suse.de> wrote:
> On Sep 23, 09 08:09:58 -0500, Pat Kane wrote:
> > Has anyone  ported xf4vnc to xorg-server  1.7 (1.6.99....)?
> Sorry, porting was only to (just noted that). However, they
> will probably a good start.

They provide a very good staring point and  have saved me a lot of
work, thank you.

I think the the mouse init code, init.c, needs to look somthing like
the attached snippet
 of code (sorry I can not make patches yet).  Does that look right?

I am lookig forward to having the code in a git repo.

-------------- next part --------------

static int
rfbMouseProc(pDevice, onoff)
    DeviceIntPtr pDevice;
    int onoff;
#define NBUTTONS 3
#define NAXES 2
    BYTE map[NBUTTONS + 1];
    Atom btn_labels[NBUTTONS] = {0};
    Atom axes_labels[NAXES] = {0};
    DevicePtr pDev = (DevicePtr)pDevice;

    switch (onoff)
    case DEVICE_INIT:
        map[1] = 1;
        map[2] = 2;
        map[3] = 3;

        btn_labels[0] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_LEFT);
        btn_labels[1] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_MIDDLE);
        btn_labels[2] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_RIGHT);

        axes_labels[0] = XIGetKnownProperty(AXIS_LABEL_PROP_REL_X);
        axes_labels[1] = XIGetKnownProperty(AXIS_LABEL_PROP_REL_Y);

	if (! InitPointerDeviceStruct(pDev, map, 
                                      NBUTTONS, btn_labels,
                                      NAXES, axes_labels))
            ErrorF("Could not initialize device '%s'. Out of memory.\n",
            return BadAlloc; /* IPDS only fails on allocs */
        pDev->valuator->axisVal[0] = screenInfo.screens[0]->width / 2;
        pDev->last.valuators[0]    = pDev->valuator->axisVal[0];
        pDev->valuator->axisVal[1] = screenInfo.screens[0]->height / 2;
        pDev->last.valuators[1]    = pDev->valuator->axisVal[1];


    case DEVICE_ON:


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