X11 XTEST Error when starting Xine

Dan Nicholson dbn.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 06:26:27 PST 2010

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Jim Duda <jim at duda.tzo.com> wrote:
> On 01/02/2010 09:45 AM, Benjamin Close wrote:
>> I'd suggest you try reinstalling libXi and libX11
>> The XTest code has had changes to it caused by the update to the XInput
>> layer (libXi) which also may affect libX11.
>> Cheers,
>>       Benjamin
> Thanks for the post.  I tried reinstalling all the libX libraries which
> were installed, using rpm -e --nodeps, then yum install each of the
> libraries.
> I have diffed the libraries between a working machine and all have
> a binary match.  There must be some meta-data file outside the libraries
> which return the results for XKeysymToKeycode ?

Two things affect XKeysymToKeycode:

$includedir/X11/keysymdef.h (built into libX11 as a hash table)
$datadir/X11/XKeysymDB (cached at runtime)

You could try moving XKeysymDB out of the way, or try building you're
own Xlib for testing. Pull xproto (for the newest keysymdef.h) and
libX11 and build them --prefix=$HOME (or somewhere else) making sure
to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/share/pkgconfig so
that the new xproto is picked up. Then run your app with
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib and see if you still see errors.


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