X11 fullscreen

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Sat Jan 30 04:12:35 PST 2010

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 12:13:23AM +1100, Russell Shaw wrote:
> This means abstracting
> everything with pointer indirections leading to slow

Any performance problems you may have are not caused by excessive
pointer dereferences.

> feature-bare toolkits.

Which features are you missing from current toolkits?

> Instead, X should have been ported
> to those systems and the widget toolkits should have only been a
> slight bit of sugar around an enhanced Xlib. If i ever do anything
> cross-platform, it will only be when an Xlib or an enhanced replacement
> of it is ported.

I very much look forward to your new X toolkit: please let us know when
it's available.

In the meantime, let's just limit our recommendations to things that
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