GSOC idea: USB Multiseat Refinement

aivils at aivils at
Fri Mar 26 23:17:48 PDT 2010

Hi Lucas,

I did rewrite MDM:

Of course i did common mistake under Linux. I made programmer friendly
package instead end-user friendly. As result end-user cannot start it.


Citēju Lucas Ferreira <lnf07 at>:

> Hello,
> I'm really interested to participate in GSOC program this year. I have
> worked with multiseats
> over the last 3 years in MDM project (
> and I would like to work
> in
> the "USB Multiseat Refinement" idea because I think is very important that
> linux distributions have a easy way
> to configure a multiseat enviroment. It is because here in Brazil multiseats
> are becomming very commom on public
> schools and I have saw that they are having many problens with it. I have
> read what the Plugable have done about
> USB multiseats and I already had studied the problems that they are having,
> so I think I can help and try to resolve it.
> Best regards,
> --
> Lucas Nascimento Ferreira
> C3SL - Centro de Computaēćo Cientķfica e Software Livre
> UFPR - Universidade Federal do Paranį

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