Is there a defined xpixmap width limit?

Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin manutm007 at
Fri Apr 22 05:31:04 PDT 2011

Good day list!

I've been searching for this for a while: Is there a width and height
limit for xpixmaps? I'm using GTK and I know GDK pixmaps and windows
can't be wider than 65535. And I suspect for X, it's 32767.

I've made a test program to check that and I get the 'BadAlloc' error
every time the program run out of memory ***or when width is > 32767***.

So my question is: Is this ***documented*** somewhere? Because it would
be much better to limit width in my app (or in GTK) so that it doesn't
crash unexpectedly and falsly report that it's running out of memory.

Thanks in advance for any hints.

Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin <manutm007 at>

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