Replacing the I-beam cursor system wide.

Thomas Dickey dickey at
Tue Jan 18 13:59:08 PST 2011

On Tue, 18 Jan 2011, James Cloos wrote:

>>>>>> "r" == rhubarbpieguy  <rhubarbpieguy at> writes:
> r> Is it possible to replace the I-beam cursor system wide through X?
> Sure.  You need to change the (server-side) cursor font used by older
> applications and also change the cursor theme used by most newer apps.
> Google should point to decent explanations of how to do those.
> You probably want to start by editing your favourite cursor theme
> to use something other than a I-beam in that spot (I beleive that
> cursor's name is 'xterm') and re-generate it.  You may find that
> to be sufficient for your needs.

man xterm (resources)

        pointerMode (class PointerMode)
                Specifies when the pointer may be hidden as the user types.  It
                will be redisplayed if the user moves the mouse, or clicks  one
                of its buttons.

                0  never

                1  the  application  running  in  xterm has not activated mouse
                   mode.  This is the default.

                2  always.

        pointerShape (class Cursor)
                Specifies the name of the shape of the pointer.  The default is

Thomas E. Dickey

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