Changing non-printing keys in keyboard layout

Dirk Wallenstein halsmit at
Mon May 9 07:26:46 PDT 2011

On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 02:56:03PM +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I seem to have a problem with the modifier keys affecting other
> layouts. For instance, in ~/symbols/pc I have added these lines to the
> bottom:
> partial  modifier_keys
> xkb_symbols "noah" {
>    modifier_map Lock { <AB05> };
> };
> However, now the B key is Caps Lock in the standard US keyboard layout
> as well! How can I restrict this change only to the Noah variant?
> Would I be better off making Noah not a variant of US but rather it's
> own separate layout?
Do you include the "noah" symbols from somewhere else?
Isn't it simply this?:

    xkb_symbols "noah" {
        include "us"
        modifier_map Lock { <AB05> };


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