xkbcommon is crashing in AppendStmt

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at onlinehome.de
Mon Dec 3 03:36:35 PST 2012


I am trying to load a keymap from a file using xkb_keymap_new_from_file 
function. When I run this with the latest master it crashes in 
AppendStmt (I've also tried v0.2 and it has the same problem). It seems 
that the iterator points to invalid memory (line 78 of ast-build.c) at 
some point but I don't know the code well enough to debug it yet.

I have attached the keymap that I am trying to load from a text file 
(the attachment is gzip compressed). I'm not sure where I should submit 
bug reports so if you want me to submit this somewhere else just let me 

I used flex and bison to compile the code. Not sure if that's the right 
thing to do.

Any help greatly appreciated...


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