Randr window resize

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at gmx.de
Thu May 17 10:39:34 PDT 2012

Am 17.05.2012, 19:33 Uhr, schrieb g4hx <g4hx at gmx.de>:

> Hi all,
> I have one question regarding Randr: Whenever I use xrandr to rotate my
> screen by 90 degrees, full screen windows look like in this picture:
> +----------+---------+
> |  screen  |         |
> |   and    | screen  |
> |  window  |         |
> +----------+---------+
> |          |
> | window   |
> |          |
> +----------+
> I would really appreciate it if the windows were resized by exchanging
> their width and length, so that they remain totally visible even after
> screen rotations.

Do you use a window manager?
If not you'll have to simple tool to change window geometries and invoke  
that on screen size updates.
If yes, this *might* be a bug.

It's however not the servers job to "randomly" change window dimensions.


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