Seeking help with xkbcomp

wettstae at wettstae at
Sat Apr 26 08:20:56 PDT 2014

> Thank you very much for the help. I tried what you provided but it did't
> work for me.  I think I need to change other parts of the file.

The second proposal actually should work without further changes, but
maybe you test the layout with an application that does not handle
Control as a level chooser properly.  Another issue for testing is that
not all applications take over all keymap changes properly.  I suggest
that whenever you reload the keymap, you start a xterm afterwards, and
test in this xterm.

> I don't know what to change in the "EIGHT_LEVEL", or
> "LOCAL_EIGHT_LEVEL" definitions to "make the right Alt key an
> ISO_Level3_Shift and some other key an ISO_Level5_Shift", etc..  I can
> use any of the three.  I'd prefer what you think is best.

You can run

  setxkbmap -print us -option -option lv3:ralt_switch -option lv5:rwin_switch_lock | xkbcomp -xkb - startfrom.xkb

to create a file startfrom.xkb, which has set up the right alt key as a
level3 chooser and the right windows key as a level5 chooser (instead of
using control, as you originally intended).  Then, edit the file to
implement you APL map,

    key <AE12> {
        type[Group1] = "EIGHT_LEVEL",
        symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, multiply, division, equal, plus, U2339, division ]

and so on.


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