[synaptics] Configure clickpad right button

Olausson, Bjoern aggregator at olausson.de
Sun Dec 21 10:35:31 PST 2014

Hej xorg users and devs,

I am struggling to configure my clickpad to my usage behavior.

What I want to achieve is the following:
The right button should extend from the most lower left to the most lower
right corner and the height should be 10% from the total height of the
touch area (~1 cm towards the top starting from the bottom).

And the sugar coating on top would be to disable this are for mouse

I tried to play with the following var in my 50-synaptics.conf
                                         "RBL RBR RBT RBB MBL MBR MBT MBB"
Option "SoftButtonAreas" "0      0      82% 0       0      0       0
Option "AreaBottomEdge" "x"

The easy part was how to figure out to make the button extend over the
entire width of the clickpad.
Setting RBL and RBR bot to zero worked fine, but I was never able to move
the button to the bottom.
I manage to get a ~1cm high strip in the middle but I never managed to move
it to the bottom...

But somehow those % are not logic to me. 82% and 100% does the same ~50% of
the touchpad from the bottom is a right button. 5% makes the entire
touchpad a right button...
Same for RBB but vice versa...

Can anyone enlighten me how the % are calculated and from where to where. I
could make sense of the RBT and RBB values.

I am currently using:
xf86-input-synaptics 1.7.4
KDE4 4.14.3

Kind regards,
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