can't start XWindows: fresh install Kubuntu 14.04 (15.10 same problem)

Gregor Leskovšek legrega at
Sat Nov 7 13:22:36 PST 2015

I do not have xorg.conf file or xorg.conf.d dir.
Please see the attached file for /etc/X11 listing
Thanks, Gregor

> When the sun rises I receive and when it sets I forgive! :-) :-) Always warmly / S prisrčnimi
pozdravi!  Gregor Leskovšek ;-)

2015-11-07 22:05 GMT+01:00 Christopher Barry <christopher.barry at>

> On Sat, 7 Nov 2015 19:48:30 +0100
> Gregor Leskovšek <legrega at> wrote:
> >Hi! I am Gregor Leskovšek from Slovenia and need help has problem with
> >xserver in Kubuntu on my new Intel S5000PSL second hand bought server.
> >I can not start plasma or failsafe or get in desktop environment.
> >When I login (right password) the xserver starts loading but then after
> >10-15 seconds I get back login screen
> >I have Radeon EAH4350 SILENT/DI/512MD2(LP) (or smth like it used from
> >another (brothers) computer) and Intel S5000 PSL Xeon motherboard.
> >
> >I am unable to start XWINDOWS. In text mode I reinstalled plasma and
> >kubuntu desktop (I do not know if there is a trick, because that
> >should be a bunch of packets but it processed only few lets say 3-5, I
> >did it so: sudo apt-get purge plasma-desktop kubuntu-desktop; sudo
> >apt-get install plasma-desktop kubuntu-desktop)
> >
> >I have attached the log file.
> >I think the problem is here(see the excerpt from log below ...) (but I
> >am a newbie), before I managed to install Kubuntu 14.04 x64 to server,
> >but I got only one VGA port without the Radeon and I had to use
> >800x600 resulotion, so I could not use it, maybe also other things are
> >in game - I also updated BIOS before that.
> >
> >[  6301.752] reporting 3 5 23 173
> >[  6301.752] (II) RADEON(0): Allocate new frame buffer 2704x1050
> >stride 2752 [  6301.752] (II) RADEON(0): VRAM usage limit set to
> >4194303K [  6301.831] reporting 3 5 23 13
> >[  6301.832] reporting 3 5 23 173
> >[  6301.865] reporting 3 5 23 173
> >[  6301.866] reporting 3 5 23 173
> >[  6301.866] have a master to look out for
> >[  6301.866] adjust shatters 0 2704
> >[  6301.866] (EE)
> >[  6301.866] (EE) Backtrace:
> >[  6301.866] (EE) 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x48) [0x7fbe14d20848]
> >[  6301.866] (EE) 1: /usr/bin/X (0x7fbe14b77000+0x1ad539)
> >[0x7fbe14d24539] [  6301.866] (EE)
> >2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fbe13c73000+0x10340)
> >[0x7fbe13c83340] [  6301.866] (EE)
> >3: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
> >(0x7fbe0e5d7000+0x1e15e) [0x7fbe0e5f515e] [  6301.866] (EE)
> >4: /usr/bin/X (PixmapShareToSlave+0x24) [0x7fbe14be87c4] [  6301.866]
> >(EE) 5: /usr/bin/X (RRCrtcSet+0xb05) [0x7fbe14c89755] [  6301.866]
> >(EE) 6: /usr/bin/X (ProcRRSetCrtcConfig+0x358) [0x7fbe14c8a478]
> >[  6301.866] (EE) 7: /usr/bin/X (0x7fbe14b77000+0x55f0e)
> >[0x7fbe14bccf0e] [  6301.867] (EE) 8: /usr/bin/X
> >(0x7fbe14b77000+0x59d9a) [0x7fbe14bd0d9a] [  6301.867] (EE)
> >9: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (__libc_start_main+0xf5)
> >[0x7fbe126b3ec5] [  6301.867] (EE) 10: /usr/bin/X
> >(0x7fbe14b77000+0x451ee) [0x7fbe14bbc1ee] [  6301.867] (EE)
> >[  6301.867] (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x07 [  6301.867] (EE)
> >Fatal server error:
> >[  6301.867] (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server
> >aborting [  6301.867] (EE)
> >[  6301.867] (EE)
> >Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
> > at
> > for help.
> >[  6301.867] (EE) Please also check the log file at
> >"/var/log/Xorg.1.log" for additional information.
> >[  6301.867] (EE)
> >[  6302.027] (EE) Server terminated with error (1). Closing log file.
> >
> >Please help me, I am desperate to put my and my clients websites back
> >on net. Thanks, Gregor Leskovšek from Slovenia
> >
> >> When the sun rises I receive and when it sets I forgive! :-)
> > :-) Always warmly / S prisrčnimi
> >pozdravi!
> >  Gregor Leskovšek ;-)
> Do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? If so, move it somewhere so it
> does not get run. Also, if there is a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory,
> and there are files in it, mv that directory somewhere too.
> e.g.
> $ cd /etc/X11
> $ sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.saved
> $ sudo mv xorg.conf.d xorg.conf.d-saved
> The idea is to allow X to try to completely configure itself.
> either restart X or reboot and see what that does.
> -C
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drwxr-xr-x  11 root root     4096 nov  7 22:17 .
drwxr-xr-x 146 root root    12288 nov  7 22:16 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     4096 nov  7 20:21 app-defaults
-rw-------   1 root root 87932928 nov  7 20:13 core
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     4096 avg  5 07:20 cursors
-rw-r--r--   1 root root       18 avg  5 07:20 default-display-manager
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root     4096 avg  5 07:18 fonts
-rw-r--r--   1 root root    17394 dec  3  2009 rgb.txt
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root       13 nov  7 17:56 X -> /usr/bin/Xorg
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     4096 avg  5 07:20 xinit
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     4096 jan 15  2014 xkb
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root      709 apr  1  2010 Xreset
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     4096 avg  5 07:19 Xreset.d
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     4096 avg  5 07:19 Xresources
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root     3730 okt  8  2014 Xsession
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     4096 nov  7 17:59 Xsession.d
-rw-r--r--   1 root root      265 jul  1  2008 Xsession.options
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root     4096 avg  5 07:20 xsm
-rw-r--r--   1 root root      601 avg  5 07:19 Xwrapper.config

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