X is consuming ~100 GiB of RAM(!)

Hi-Angel hiangel999 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 09:17:47 UTC 2017

On 7 December 2017 at 19:22, Ewen Chan <chan.ewen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Pros (for Linux): It's faster when it is running at runlevel 3.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention — just a tiny detail you might be
curious of. I'm pretty sure you're running some old kernel, however in
every kernel release there's a bunch of improvements and refactoring
across all subsystems — power/cpu schedulers, kernel drivers, memory
management, etc. So by using a later kernel you could make your
calculations even faster. For more details see this

There's also per-thread malloc cache in glibc-2.26 which improves
results of some benchmarks too. In general, if you want more
performance, running latest software is recommended.

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