libXres cannot find Xutil.h and Xlibint.h

walter harms wharms at
Sun Jun 23 18:23:47 UTC 2019

Am 23.06.2019 20:04, schrieb alexandre schenberg:
> Hello. I have been trying to compile libXres and have failed to do so, 
> presumably because Xres cannot find Xutil.h and Xlibint.h due to some reason. 
> Here is the beggining of the problem:
> make[2]: Entering directory 
> `/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/libXres-1.2.0/src'
>    CC       XRes.lo
> XRes.c:9:25: error: X11/Xlibint.h: No such file or directory
> XRes.c:10:23: error: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory
> then it proceeds with countless error messages from many different files. I 
> copied all the messages to the anexed file "error-libXres.txt".
> The command I issued during configure it is:
> ./configure --prefix=/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Xres/ 
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/X11-1.6.7/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Xorgproto-2018.1/share/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Xcb-1.13/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Pthread-stubs-0.1/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Xau-1.0.9/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Util-macros-1.19.2/share/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Xext-1.3.3/lib/pkgconfig/
> I also tried a export 
> CPPFLAGS=-I/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/X11-1.6.7/include/X11/ to no 
> avail.

seems you are missing some X11 includes.
Did you install something like libX11-devel ?
(Name depends on your distro)


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