Accidently voted twice ...

Stefan Dirsch sndirsch at
Thu May 2 14:29:11 UTC 2019


This is embarassing and I feel ashamed.

I just noticed that I accidently voted twice. :-( I voted rather soonish in
the second election, but a few days ago I received an email, that my vote is
still missing. So I went ahead to vote, since I assumed my first voting didn't
work for some reason. Meanwhile I noticed that I'm mentioned twice in the
members list.  Which simply means I voted twice. :-(

Stefan Dirsch 	SUSE 	Software Developer Linux Graphics Driver Stack
Stefan Dirsch 	SUSE 	Downstream X package maintainer at SUSE since ...

I believe this came along with the (seperate?) logins via github and
gitlab. Things were confusing to me, so I requested accidently a second
membership at some point, which indeed was accepted right before second

What can we do in order not to invalidate the second election? Could you
remove my votes, please?

How can I help here? Should I better step back from my X.Org membership


Public Key available
Stefan Dirsch (Res. & Dev.)   SUSE LINUX GmbH
Tel: 0911-740 53 0            Maxfeldstraße 5
FAX: 0911-740 53 479          D-90409 Nürnberg            Germany 
SUSE Linux GmbH, GF: Felix Imendörffer, Mary Higgins, Sri Rasiah
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