Touchscreen Double tap issue - Xorg

S, Likith likith.s at
Thu Jun 3 10:24:56 UTC 2021

Hi ,
I am writing to you as I am stuck with touchscreen issue I observe specifically with Xorg.
The issue that I am observing is that on doing a double tap on touchscreen I am receiving 3 clicks on my application due to which my double click functionality is not working properly. I observe this only when I use Xorg server but when I configure my device to bootup with Xvfb server then I see double tap on touchscreen works fine.

So the scenario is I do a double tap on touch screen -> I receive two press/release events from touch driver (checked via evtest) -> But I receive 3 clicks on my qt application.
I observe 3 clicks being received in qxcb plugins as well.

Is this a known issue or can you please help me out at the earliest ?

Thanks and Regards,
Likith S.


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