[ANNOUNCE] xsm 1.0.5

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Mon Apr 4 00:07:00 UTC 2022

Alan Coopersmith (12):
      Remove ancient System() replacement for system(3c) on Solaris
      Update configure.ac bug URL for gitlab migration
      gitlab CI: add a basic build test
      Use _CONST_X_STRING to make libXt declare String as const char *
      Increase size of number buffer to fit all possible values
      WriteSave: allocate enough room for full session_save_file in error
      Add noreturn attributes suggested by gcc
      gitlab CI: enable Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
      Build xz tarballs instead of bzip2
      Fix spelling/wording issues
      Fill in COPYING file with copyright notices from source code
      xsm 1.0.5

git tag: xsm-1.0.5

SHA256: e8a2f64b5a37be39a81877cd4069745a226a31493080f03ae74b76fb3f17b7a6  xsm-1.0.5.tar.gz
SHA512: 9d89c600089d780417383248fc7af5b83eefd95fd01b4843279ee42c0bb238dddfc5213716102746545d128cee95e293eddbbb090339ad93b6abb1e19bbe75d8  xsm-1.0.5.tar.gz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/app/xsm-1.0.5.tar.gz.sig

SHA256: 9c30fdaa3fc132e4ff201cfc478669056e6e15502e77df88df11fb94e4e6fb2d  xsm-1.0.5.tar.xz
SHA512: df3777b3aab813ec8aa906f5a03f93b8ca645978970290cf7baf732e175c36c00ae19baeb45ea7404d35838c21e6f8fca28f0da3e2f398d17adac5f2acb7b351  xsm-1.0.5.tar.xz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/app/xsm-1.0.5.tar.xz.sig

        -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris
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