Xlib: DisplayWidth / DisplayHeight

Zbigniew zbigniew2011 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 12:15:57 UTC 2023

> Which screen? What is your use case? What are you trying to achieve?

I already wrote that in my post — that was my reply to yours — from
31. August, I quote:

„Could you, please, suggest a „replacement functions” for these two
[macros we're talking about], that I could use to get the dimensions
of physical screen — whether is panning used, or not, is Xrandr used
for that panning or anything else, is it Linux, or any of xBSD's etc.?
In all these cases t'll be still Xorg server, anyway.

That's all I need for today — and that's what DisplayWidth /
DisplayHeight promised to return”

But if you still prefer to pretend you actually don't know, what I
meant, and to ask rhetorical questions like „but what is a screen,
actually?” (Volodya knows precisely, what a „screen” is; it's about
any area of pixels) — then all I've got to say is: „never mind”

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