[ANNOUNCE] x11perf 1.7.0

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Fri Aug 2 00:43:05 UTC 2024

The x11perf program runs one or more performance tests and reports how
fast an X server can execute the tests.

This release adds support for the -version option, splits up the output
of -help into several subsections ("-help [options|tests|all]"), and
adds several new tests, which are included under the -v1.7 option:

-tileftext              Char in 80-char line tiled (6x13)
-putimagexybitmap10     PutImage XYBitmap 10x10 square
-putimagexybitmap100    PutImage XYBitmap 100x100 square
-putimagexybitmap500    PutImage XYBitmap 500x500 square
-shmputxybitmap10       ShmPutImage XYBitmap 10x10 square
-shmputxybitmap100      ShmPutImage XYBitmap 100x100 square
-shmputxybitmap500      ShmPutImage XYBitmap 500x500 square

Alan Coopersmith (17):
      Strip trailing whitespace from source files
      configure: use @-style substitutions for man pages instead of __-style
      man pages: use .BR markup for references to other man pages
      x11perf.man: Add xybitmap putimage tests
      x11perf.man: Add tiled text test
      x11perf.man: Add tests for ShmGetImage
      x11perf.man: Add tests for anti-aliased trapezoids
      x11perf.man: Add missing tests inherited from X11R6.6
      x11perf.man: Add missing tests inherited from XFree86 4.3
      Add -v1.6 & -v1.7 to recognized version flags
      Add -version option
      Mark tests introduced since version 1.6 as version 1.7
      Mark tests introduced in version 1.6 as version 1.6 & later
      Add -help [options|tests|all] and remove tests from default usage message
      When users give invalid arguments, tell them what they did wrong
      Include both option name & argument in invalid argument errors
      x11perf 1.7.0

Keith Packard (11):
      Ensure that vertical/horizontal segments do not overlap
      Set position of the status window based on perf window pos
      Ensure that 100x100 rectangles do not overlap
      Ensure that 100x100 rectangle outlines do not overlap
      Eliminate overlaps in rects and traps
      Add tiled text test
      Make put image tests work with planemasks
      Add xybitmap putimage tests
      Don't try to make XOR 'look good'. Best to make it visible.
      Validate fonts used in Xft tests
      Fix core AA text tests which now fail due to change in fontconfig

Mike A. Harris (1):
      Move x11perfcomp scripts into datadir

git tag: x11perf-1.7.0

SHA256: 88563b4bcd0082285bad9c0d0596851cce021a8318e66669fa528dc86c6ae8c1  x11perf-1.7.0.tar.gz
SHA512: b6edf345e63034de1e5d251ad82fbe00db560b89fdf77e0e62c3a619fd73f771c5ab1b2c1398ba90239449dd4539e1ca2236eee94e0b45788706cdc2b1f8139c  x11perf-1.7.0.tar.gz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/test/x11perf-1.7.0.tar.gz.sig

SHA256: 24f80d84b0e96171a998932ff007698fd1776da9975ed42e51d57b9cfca91828  x11perf-1.7.0.tar.xz
SHA512: de8185bfbac15fb5eb15c18ba8450d8e383e1356675e0368c9a443d4c2d14245fab87ac0aa4ddcc5ebf731af0ad1173f53c6937104c1be824bfda5b58112fd5e  x11perf-1.7.0.tar.xz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/test/x11perf-1.7.0.tar.xz.sig

        -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris
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