xserver/hw/xorg/drivers Imakefile, NONE, 1.1 Makefile.am, NONE,
1.1 confdrv.sh, NONE, 1.1
Daniel Stone
xserver-commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Sun Apr 25 23:52:16 EST 2004
- Previous message: xserver/hw/xorg/ddc Makefile.am, NONE, 1.1 ddcPriv.h, NONE,
1.1 ddcProperty.c, NONE, 1.1 edid.c, NONE, 1.1 edid.h, NONE,
1.1 interpret_edid.c, NONE, 1.1 interpret_vdif.c, NONE,
1.1 print_edid.c, NONE, 1.1 print_vdif.c, NONE, 1.1 vdif.h,
NONE, 1.1 xf86DDC.c, NONE, 1.1 xf86DDC.h, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: xserver/hw/xorg/drivers/ati Imakefile, NONE, 1.1 Makefile.am, NONE,
1.1 ati.c, NONE, 1.1 ati.h, NONE, 1.1 atiaccel.c, NONE,
1.1 atiaccel.h, NONE, 1.1 atiadapter.c, NONE, 1.1 atiadapter.h,
NONE, 1.1 atiadjust.c, NONE, 1.1 atiadjust.h, NONE,
1.1 atiaudio.c, NONE, 1.1 atiaudio.h, NONE, 1.1 atibank.c,
NONE, 1.1 atibank.h, NONE, 1.1 atibus.c, NONE, 1.1 atibus.h,
NONE, 1.1 atichip.c, NONE, 1.1 atichip.h, NONE, 1.1 aticlock.c,
NONE, 1.1 aticlock.h, NONE, 1.1 aticonfig.c, NONE,
1.1 aticonfig.h, NONE, 1.1 aticonsole.c, NONE,
1.1 aticonsole.h, NONE, 1.1 aticrtc.h, NONE, 1.1 aticursor.c,
NONE, 1.1 aticursor.h, NONE, 1.1 atidac.c, NONE, 1.1 atidac.h,
NONE, 1.1 atidecoder.c, NONE, 1.1 atidecoder.h, NONE,
1.1 atidga.c, NONE, 1.1 atidga.h, NONE, 1.1 atidsp.c, NONE,
1.1 atidsp.h, NONE, 1.1 atii2c.c, NONE, 1.1 atii2c.h, NONE,
1.1 atiident.c, NONE, 1.1 atiident.h, NONE, 1.1 atiio.h, NONE,
1.1 atiload.c, NONE, 1.1 atiload.h, NONE, 1.1 atilock.c, NONE,
1.1 atilock.h, NONE, 1.1 atimach64.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64.h,
NONE, 1.1 atimach64accel.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64accel.h, NONE,
1.1 atimach64cursor.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64cursor.h, NONE,
1.1 atimach64i2c.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64i2c.h, NONE,
1.1 atimach64io.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64io.h, NONE,
1.1 atimach64xv.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64xv.h, NONE,
1.1 atimisc.c, NONE, 1.1 atimode.c, NONE, 1.1 atimode.h, NONE,
1.1 atimodule.c, NONE, 1.1 atimodule.h, NONE, 1.1 atimono.h,
NONE, 1.1 atioption.c, NONE, 1.1 atioption.h, NONE,
1.1 atipreinit.c, NONE, 1.1 atipreinit.h, NONE, 1.1 atiprint.c,
NONE, 1.1 atiprint.h, NONE, 1.1 atipriv.h, NONE,
1.1 atiprobe.c, NONE, 1.1 atiprobe.h, NONE, 1.1 atiproto.h,
NONE, 1.1 atiregs.h, NONE, 1.1 atirgb514.c, NONE,
1.1 atirgb514.h, NONE, 1.1 atiscreen.c, NONE, 1.1 atiscreen.h,
NONE, 1.1 atistruct.h, NONE, 1.1 atituner.c, NONE,
1.1 atituner.h, NONE, 1.1 atiutil.c, NONE, 1.1 atiutil.h, NONE,
1.1 ativalid.c, NONE, 1.1 ativalid.h, NONE, 1.1 ativersion.h,
NONE, 1.1 ativga.c, NONE, 1.1 ativga.h, NONE, 1.1 ativgaio.c,
NONE, 1.1 ativgaio.h, NONE, 1.1 atividmem.c, NONE,
1.1 atividmem.h, NONE, 1.1 atiwonder.c, NONE, 1.1 atiwonder.h,
NONE, 1.1 atiwonderio.c, NONE, 1.1 atiwonderio.h, NONE,
1.1 atixv.c, NONE, 1.1 atixv.h, NONE, 1.1 r128.h, NONE,
1.1 r128_accel.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_common.h, NONE,
1.1 r128_cursor.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_dga.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_dri.c,
NONE, 1.1 r128_dri.h, NONE, 1.1 r128_dripriv.h, NONE,
1.1 r128_driver.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_misc.c, NONE,
1.1 r128_probe.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_probe.h, NONE, 1.1 r128_reg.h,
NONE, 1.1 r128_sarea.h, NONE, 1.1 r128_version.h, NONE,
1.1 r128_video.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_accel.c,
NONE, 1.1 radeon_accelfuncs.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon_common.h, NONE,
1.1 radeon_cursor.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon_dga.c, NONE,
1.1 radeon_dri.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon_dri.h, NONE,
1.1 radeon_dripriv.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_driver.c, NONE,
1.1 radeon_macros.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_misc.c, NONE,
1.1 radeon_probe.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon_probe.h, NONE,
1.1 radeon_reg.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_sarea.h, NONE,
1.1 radeon_version.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_video.c, NONE, 1.1
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Committed by: daniel
Update of /cvs/xserver/xserver/hw/xorg/drivers
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv17025/hw/xorg/drivers
Added Files:
Imakefile Makefile.am confdrv.sh
Log Message:
Xizzle is dead, long live Xorg.
Re-import the DDX from X11R6.7, complete with automakey goodness, and do the
requisite configure.ac, et al, updates; also import the XKB extension from the
6.7 DIX.
Currently it'll link and then hang solid in RADEONInitAccel(), or the next
function if you enable NoAccel.
--- NEW FILE: Imakefile ---
XCOMM $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/Imakefile,v 1.22 2001/07/02 10:46:04 alanh Exp $
#define IHaveModules
#include <Server.tmpl>
#define IHaveSubdirs
SUBDIRS = XF86CardDrivers
DRIVERS = XF86CardDrivers
OBJS = `cat driver.list`
#if DoLoadableServer
#if MakeHasPosixVariableSubstitutions
#if HasGnuMake || HasBsdMake
#if !DoLoadableServer
NormalDepLibraryTarget(driver,$(SUBDIRS) $(DONES) driver.list,$(OBJS))
#if !DoLoadableServer
NormalDepLibraryTarget(driver,$(SUBDIRS) driver.list,$(OBJS))
#if !DoLoadableServer
--- NEW FILE: Makefile.am ---
lib_LIBRARIES = libdrivers.a
libdrivers_a_SOURCES = drvConf.c
sh $(srcdir)/confdrv.sh $(SUBDIRS)
INCLUDES = $(XORG_INCS) -I$(top_srcdir)/mi \
-I$(srcdir)/../loader -I$(srcdir)/../ddc \
-I$(srcdir)/../rac -I$(srcdir)/../vbe -I$(srcdir)/../int10 \
-I$(srcdir)/../i2c -I$(srcdir)/../parser -I$(srcdir)/../vgahw \
-I$(srcdir)/../Xi -I$(top_srcdir)/os
--- NEW FILE: confdrv.sh ---
# $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/confdrv.sh,v 1998/06/03 15:50:02 dawes Exp $
# This script generates drvConf.c
# usage: confdrv.sh driver1 driver2 ...
cat > $DRVCONF <<EOF
* This file is generated automatically -- DO NOT EDIT
#include "xf86.h"
extern DriverRec
Args="`echo $* | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`"
set - $Args
while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
echo " $1," >> $DRVCONF
echo " $1;" >> $DRVCONF
cat >> $DRVCONF <<EOF
DriverPtr xf86DriverList[] =
for i in $Args; do
echo " &$i," >> $DRVCONF
echo "};" >> $DRVCONF
cat >> $DRVCONF <<EOF
int xf86NumDrivers = sizeof(xf86DriverList) / sizeof(xf86DriverList[0]);
- Previous message: xserver/hw/xorg/ddc Makefile.am, NONE, 1.1 ddcPriv.h, NONE,
1.1 ddcProperty.c, NONE, 1.1 edid.c, NONE, 1.1 edid.h, NONE,
1.1 interpret_edid.c, NONE, 1.1 interpret_vdif.c, NONE,
1.1 print_edid.c, NONE, 1.1 print_vdif.c, NONE, 1.1 vdif.h,
NONE, 1.1 xf86DDC.c, NONE, 1.1 xf86DDC.h, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: xserver/hw/xorg/drivers/ati Imakefile, NONE, 1.1 Makefile.am, NONE,
1.1 ati.c, NONE, 1.1 ati.h, NONE, 1.1 atiaccel.c, NONE,
1.1 atiaccel.h, NONE, 1.1 atiadapter.c, NONE, 1.1 atiadapter.h,
NONE, 1.1 atiadjust.c, NONE, 1.1 atiadjust.h, NONE,
1.1 atiaudio.c, NONE, 1.1 atiaudio.h, NONE, 1.1 atibank.c,
NONE, 1.1 atibank.h, NONE, 1.1 atibus.c, NONE, 1.1 atibus.h,
NONE, 1.1 atichip.c, NONE, 1.1 atichip.h, NONE, 1.1 aticlock.c,
NONE, 1.1 aticlock.h, NONE, 1.1 aticonfig.c, NONE,
1.1 aticonfig.h, NONE, 1.1 aticonsole.c, NONE,
1.1 aticonsole.h, NONE, 1.1 aticrtc.h, NONE, 1.1 aticursor.c,
NONE, 1.1 aticursor.h, NONE, 1.1 atidac.c, NONE, 1.1 atidac.h,
NONE, 1.1 atidecoder.c, NONE, 1.1 atidecoder.h, NONE,
1.1 atidga.c, NONE, 1.1 atidga.h, NONE, 1.1 atidsp.c, NONE,
1.1 atidsp.h, NONE, 1.1 atii2c.c, NONE, 1.1 atii2c.h, NONE,
1.1 atiident.c, NONE, 1.1 atiident.h, NONE, 1.1 atiio.h, NONE,
1.1 atiload.c, NONE, 1.1 atiload.h, NONE, 1.1 atilock.c, NONE,
1.1 atilock.h, NONE, 1.1 atimach64.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64.h,
NONE, 1.1 atimach64accel.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64accel.h, NONE,
1.1 atimach64cursor.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64cursor.h, NONE,
1.1 atimach64i2c.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64i2c.h, NONE,
1.1 atimach64io.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64io.h, NONE,
1.1 atimach64xv.c, NONE, 1.1 atimach64xv.h, NONE,
1.1 atimisc.c, NONE, 1.1 atimode.c, NONE, 1.1 atimode.h, NONE,
1.1 atimodule.c, NONE, 1.1 atimodule.h, NONE, 1.1 atimono.h,
NONE, 1.1 atioption.c, NONE, 1.1 atioption.h, NONE,
1.1 atipreinit.c, NONE, 1.1 atipreinit.h, NONE, 1.1 atiprint.c,
NONE, 1.1 atiprint.h, NONE, 1.1 atipriv.h, NONE,
1.1 atiprobe.c, NONE, 1.1 atiprobe.h, NONE, 1.1 atiproto.h,
NONE, 1.1 atiregs.h, NONE, 1.1 atirgb514.c, NONE,
1.1 atirgb514.h, NONE, 1.1 atiscreen.c, NONE, 1.1 atiscreen.h,
NONE, 1.1 atistruct.h, NONE, 1.1 atituner.c, NONE,
1.1 atituner.h, NONE, 1.1 atiutil.c, NONE, 1.1 atiutil.h, NONE,
1.1 ativalid.c, NONE, 1.1 ativalid.h, NONE, 1.1 ativersion.h,
NONE, 1.1 ativga.c, NONE, 1.1 ativga.h, NONE, 1.1 ativgaio.c,
NONE, 1.1 ativgaio.h, NONE, 1.1 atividmem.c, NONE,
1.1 atividmem.h, NONE, 1.1 atiwonder.c, NONE, 1.1 atiwonder.h,
NONE, 1.1 atiwonderio.c, NONE, 1.1 atiwonderio.h, NONE,
1.1 atixv.c, NONE, 1.1 atixv.h, NONE, 1.1 r128.h, NONE,
1.1 r128_accel.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_common.h, NONE,
1.1 r128_cursor.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_dga.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_dri.c,
NONE, 1.1 r128_dri.h, NONE, 1.1 r128_dripriv.h, NONE,
1.1 r128_driver.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_misc.c, NONE,
1.1 r128_probe.c, NONE, 1.1 r128_probe.h, NONE, 1.1 r128_reg.h,
NONE, 1.1 r128_sarea.h, NONE, 1.1 r128_version.h, NONE,
1.1 r128_video.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_accel.c,
NONE, 1.1 radeon_accelfuncs.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon_common.h, NONE,
1.1 radeon_cursor.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon_dga.c, NONE,
1.1 radeon_dri.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon_dri.h, NONE,
1.1 radeon_dripriv.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_driver.c, NONE,
1.1 radeon_macros.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_misc.c, NONE,
1.1 radeon_probe.c, NONE, 1.1 radeon_probe.h, NONE,
1.1 radeon_reg.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_sarea.h, NONE,
1.1 radeon_version.h, NONE, 1.1 radeon_video.c, NONE, 1.1
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