[Clipart] ROADMAP towards Milestone 6!!! + RFE

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.com
Sat Aug 14 15:22:16 PDT 2004

On Sat, 14 Aug 2004, Jon Phillips wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just been updating the roadmap for this upcoming release. Remember
> we soft-decided to release monthly. Well, we are moving towards the end
> of the month and we need folks to sign up for task in helping to
> accomplish goals. Please visit here to see:
> http://www.openclipart.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Roadmap

Cool, this is a big help.  I've folded in several tasks related to dms
integration with other tools.  I'm going to maintain a more detailed
todo list for implementation work for dms in the dms PLAN file, but the
roadmap is a good place to coordinate hooking into it from other tools.

Basically my plan for dms is to try to get something very crude but
roughly usable for this 0.06 release.  Nothing fancy, but at least be
able to check things in and out and do some of the ordinary things that
are currently able to do via the filesystem.

The next step will be to add hooks for storing metadata, because that'll
be pretty important.  The trick I'm going to try to do is make it
pluggable, so that for our purposes we can simply plug in SVG::Metadata,
but other users of this tool may wish to use their own metadata scheme;
from dms' point of view, metadata is an abstraction - just a random hash
of "stuff" to keep track of with the document.
> Please massage and move around items, and place what you are working on
> on this page. We should also probably start keeping a Release Notes  and
> PR announcement page, which I'm creating here. We should make a new ones
> for each release, to demystify how this is done in our project:
> http://www.openclipart.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ReleaseNotes
> http://www.openclipart.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?PrAnnouncement

Looks like a good start.  Keep pinging us on these so we all remember to
update them.

> Thus, if we stay somewhat close in our release cycle, then towards the
> end of the month, like the 28th, we should start trying to make sure
> files are metadata filled etc.
> Because we will have selected a logo this release, it seems that this
> should be our first mega-release to the Open Source community. What do
> you all think about this? Plus, if we ramp up this release, then we are
> catapulting into the high-work time season of Open Source, which is
> post-summer/fall.

I think that sounds like a great idea.  Getting things in order to try
scaling up this fall is a very good plan.  

> Also, how should we track RFE (Feature Requests)? The mantis bug tracker
> is for bugs. Should we just have a page on the wiki for NEW FEATURE
> REQUESTS? If so, I will add to the site menu and we can move forward.

I was thinking we'd use mantis for feature requests too.  The one issue
is having to require people to sign up for an account, but maybe that's
not a big deal?  (It gives us a way to contact the user.)  Perhaps
someone could create a wrapper that presents a simple feature request
form to the user, and sends it to mantis via the anonymous account?

> It is awesome that our project is growing and people are starting to use
> our repository more often.

Agreed :-)


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