[Clipart] Re: Document-Manager 0.06

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.com
Sun Aug 15 17:11:32 PDT 2004

Okay, version 0.05 and version 0.06 should be available on CPAN shortly.

Changes for version 0.05 are addition of several tests:

   * 00_initialize.t 
   * 01_repo_basic.t
   * zz_dump_config.t

For 0.06, there are a number of new features added, and scripts to
access them:

New/changed Document::Repository features:

   * _init()            - creates a new repository
   * _iterate_doc_ids() - recursively iterates through docs to run a
                          user defined function against them
   * put()              - adds a new revision to existing document
   * documents()        - now calls _iterate_doc_ids() to retrieve doc_ids
   * revisions()        - lists revisions for a file; fixed several bugs
   * files()            - lists files in a given document revision
   * repository_path()  - removed handling of revisions
   * current_revision() - returns the current rev of doc_id
   * add()              - now calls put() to do the actual file insertion

New admin scripts:

   * repo_init   - creates a new repository
   * repo_put    - adds a new revision to an existing document
   * repo_ls     - lists revisions and files for docs
   * repo_export - exports files from selected/all docs from repo

The scripts are all very simple and basically just handle cmdline args,
with the real action being done in corresponding Document::Repository

These changes provide the underlying core functionality for the
Document-Manager package.  However, since it does not yet handle
metadata or searching, it's not really useful, so it's not worth
deploying into production.  However, now a LOT of the core is in place,
and I can start focusing on Document::Manager properly, and build the
next layer of functionality.  :-)

(Yeesh, is it Sunday evening already??)

On Sun, 15 Aug 2004, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Document-Manager version 0.04 has been uploaded to CPAN and will be
> available there within a few hours.  The main change is that it adds a
> 'repo_get' tool for retrieving documents from the system, given their
> doc_id. 
> Bryce
> On Sun, 15 Aug 2004, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> > I've released a new version of the Document-Manager package to CPAN.
> > It's far from complete but has received a huge amount of development.
> > It should be available on CPAN within a few hours.
> > 
> > I've split the original code into two modules:  Document::Repository and
> > Document::Manager.  The former is the underlying core that performs the
> > low-level operations on the repository and presents a simple API for
> > interacting with it such as add() and get().  Document::Manager will
> > provide a higher level interface that wraps Document::Repository and
> > adds concepts such as locking, properties, and searching.
> > 
> > For this release I mainly focused on fleshing out Document::Repository. 
> > I also added a script, 'repo_add', that tests out the add() function.
> > It can be used like this:
> > 
> >  $ mkdir ~/DMS
> >  $ echo 'foo' > foo
> >  $ repo_add  foo  -R ~/DMS
> >  Created document id '17'
> > 
> > Since no access control is available yet, repo_add can be considered an
> > administrative script.  
> > 
> > The default location for the repository is /var/dms, but it can be
> > overridden by the -R flag as shown above.  
> > 
> > Document::Repository also includes some other routines:  get(),
> > documents(), revisions(), and stats().
> > 
> > Bryce
> > 

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