[Clipart] logo contest

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Thu Aug 19 12:53:23 PDT 2004

Alan Horkan <horkana at maths.tcd.ie> writes:

> Some of those previews are too small for such detailed images, 
> it might be nice if slightly larger (200x200, or 256x256) previews
> were also available (could maybe be generated on demand and cached?)

Extra details that show up at larger sizes are okay, but...  I really
think we ought to go with one of the ones that looks acceptably good
at the preview size.  That gives us several pretty good ones to choose
from, and we'll be able to do more (in terms of scaling and using it
as a pattern and making favicons from it and printing it on low-res
media like t-shirts (should we choose to do that) and so on and so
forth) with an image that's sufficiently simple to be recognizeable
at a small size.

> the one by Henrich Fichna (four intersecting circles), would like it
> better multicoloured though but ideally the logo will work in both
> monochrome and in many colours.

Yeah, I like that one too, if it's unique enough.

> and the two by Bono again with four intesecting circles except this
> time they make up more of a diamond than square shape, again I'd
> like a multicolour version too.

Yeah, and that one too.  Both of these should have no trouble scaling
down to small sizes.

> I like Andrew Fitzsimon's work too (the abstract swoosh on page, as
> I have said previously) but I dont think it is ever going to work at
> really small sizes.

Yeah, that one too.

Here is how the color version would look at 32x32:
And at 16x16:

It's definitely true that some of the finer details get lost at 16x16.

> I also like the logo by Samir Bharadwaj that uses a scissors ----8<---
> device is very clever (the one that spells out the name, not the one with
> the acronym, I think you all know by now how I feel about acronyms).  now
> that I think about it, the scissors icon is very abstract and would work
> extremely well at just about every sizes.  I think a scissors is a
> universal and innofensive sybmol, anyone know otherwise?

Indeed, the whole thing wouldn't scale down to small sizes well, but
for small sizes we could take just the scissors and scale them down.
Here is what just the scissors part looks like at 32x32:
And at 16x16:

Seems okay.  At larger sizes we could use the whole thing.

I also like Nilsson's one, which reminds me of a handful of Polaroid
snapshots.  It would make a great icon for gphoto IMO if they didn't
already have one.

Wow, lots of good choices.

Oh, and it's a shame about the Diapo submission being after the
deadline, because it's quite good otherwise.

> Some of the more textual images would make excellent advertising
> banners,
Nicu's would make a particularly good banner, IMO.  It's about the
right shape for a standard-size banner, too.

Actually, we could potentially use several of these images on the site
in various places, in addition to the one we choose as the logo.
Cyril's image might be too complex for a logo, but it looks cool

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