[Clipart] 13 logo contributions

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Fri Aug 20 21:35:14 PDT 2004

Bryce Harrington <bryce at bryceharrington.com> writes:

> I won't have time to look into it any time soon - I'm tied up with
> Inkscape and Xorg presently; if it is something SVG::Metadata needs to
> account for, I'd appreciate a patch.
> In any case, please file a ticket in the bug tracker.  Assign it to me
> if it is definitively SVG::Metadata's fault, unless someone else wants
> to have a go at it (it's probably easy).

I might be able to put together a patch if I know what exactly needs
to be done, in terms of precisely which element needs to be parsed for
commas or whatever.  (Splitting on commas is very easy; knowing where
to do that is the tricky thing.)  Does someone have a URI for the
specific SVG file that's triggering the problem?

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