[Clipart] OCAL identified by IBM as resource for Linux migrations

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.com
Tue Dec 28 23:55:20 PST 2004

On Tue, 28 Dec 2004, Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
> And, as you point out, if our efforts leave something to be desired,
> someone else could jump in and make improvements, if we license them
> in a manner that allows that.  For example, I would probably only
> bother to do printable ASCII characters, but if someone else wanted to
> take the trouble to expand it to cover other character sets they'd
> have my blessing.  Similarly, a lot of freeware fonts only really
> provide one case (usually by providing identical letter forms for both
> cases of each letter), but if an open-source font were released like
> this, someone else could fill in the other case.

Sounds like good ideas to me.  Of course this presupposes having a good
font editor, but it sounds like we're not that far off.

This suggests that we as a project face a decision regarding how we'd
handle font licensing.  So far we've been 100% PD, but fonts are not
clipart.  What would be the pros/cons of providing them under the
various licensing considerations?  What's the best approach for helping
the free fonts cause?


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