[Clipart] Comma-separated keywords in metadata

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Sun Jul 11 20:17:43 PDT 2004

Bryce Harrington <bryce at bryceharrington.com> writes:
> On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp> wrote:
>> It might be nice to include the thumbnail dimensions in the filename:
>>        foo-svg-thumb-120x90.png
>>        foo-png-thumb-200x200.png
> Technically, we should probably just settle on a standard size for
> "thumbnail" pngs.

That is what I was thinking.  Ideally, I'd like for there to be a
one-to-one and onto function mapping the image filename to the
thumbnail filename, if that can be arranged.  Among other things, this
automatically eliminates the possibility of naming conflicts.  Also,
it makes it easier to write the code that finds the image given the
thumnail and the code that finds the thumbnail given the image.

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