[Clipart] Positive submission reinforcement

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.com
Mon Nov 1 00:46:30 PST 2004

I couldn't get the script to work.  It just gives me a bunch of errors
about Bad file descriptor.  I worked on it for a while but couldn't get
it to run and now am out of time.  I've attached the script.


On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:

> Nicu Buculei <nicu at apsro.com> writes:
> > Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
> >> Will it work?  I was under the impression that the browse script
> >> needed something additional to work correctly, that had been manually
> >> generated in the past.  I could be mistaken, but that was my
> >> understanding.  Was it just the sorting into directories that was done
> >> manually?
> >
> > no, we don't need anything in addition to the directory structure.
> >
> > after reviewing the candidate for 0.08 release i saw we have 280
> > top-level directories - this is not nice for browsing
> What about, as an interim solution (until we can get things reading
> from the DMS) a one-off Perl script that re-arranges the files
> according to a fixed list of what keywords go in what directories, in
> order to move from the flat directory structure to a fixed hierarchy?
> Something like the script below might get us by...
> It's not a perfect solution; it's not a long-term solution; the
> long-term solution is for the browse thingy to read directly from the
> DMS using the language-dependent category hierarchy thingydoo.  This
> interim solution isn't even well tested, and there are even known
> shortcomings (e.g., it makes no attempt to detect duplicates but on
> the other hand will merrily overwrite a file if another file with the
> same filename gets put in the same category); however, it seems to
> mostly work and may be better than several dozen toplevel directories,
> and it's significantly better than having the browse tool be several
> releases out of date.
> Don't use it without backing up the directory first, in case something
> is wrong or we later change our minds about where to put some
> keywords.  In particular, I believe there are some keywords that
> should be listed in the %hierarchy hash that are currently not, and
> anything not listed gets thrown willy-nilly into unsorted.
> I've tested it with the contents of that 0.08 tarball, and it seems to
> mostly do a pretty decent job.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # -*- cperl -*-
> my $debug = 42; $|=1;
> #my $basedir = '/projects/clipart/OpenClipart';
> my $basedir = '/root/img/download/openclipart-0.08';
> # You must already have the latest release unpacked there.
> # Also it's useful to do the following preprocessing first:
> # * Within Flags, move all the images from the subdirs up into Flags
> #   itself, or else move the subdirs up out of Flags and list them
> #   in the %hierarchy hash below.
> my %hierarchy =
>   (
>    'action'         => ['computer', 'icons', 'action'],
>    'actions'        => ['computer', 'icons', 'action'],
>    'africa'         => ['geography'],
>    'albert'         => ['people'],
>    'america'        => ['geography'],
>    'animal'         => ['animals'],
>    'animals'        => ['animals'],
>    'appicon'        => ['computer', 'icons', 'applications'],
>    'apple'          => ['food', 'fruit'],
>    'application'    => ['computer', 'icons', 'applications'],
>    'apps'           => ['computer', 'icons', 'applications'],
>    'aqua'           => ['computer', 'icons'],
>    'architecture'   => ['buildings'],
>    'arrow'          => ['shapes', 'arrows'],
>    'asia'           => ['geography'],
>    'automne'        => ['plants'],
>    'automobiles'    => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
>    'bacon'          => ['food'],
>    'ball'           => ['recreation', 'toys'],
>    'beach'          => ['recreation', 'toys'],
>    'beverages'      => ['food', 'beverages'],
>    'bicycle'        => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
>    'bicycles'       => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'bill'           => ['people'],
>    'bird'           => ['animals', 'birds'],
>    'boat'           => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
>    'book'           => ['education', 'books'],
>    'bouquet'        => ['plants', 'flowers'],
>    'bowl'           => ['food'],
>    'breizh'         => ['decorations'],
>    'britain'        => ['geography'],
>    'bsd'            => ['computer'],
>    'bug'            => ['animals', 'bugs'],
>    'building'       => ['buildings'],
>    'bulma'          => ['logos', 'linux'],
>    'bulmalug'       => ['logos', 'linux'],
>    'bulma.net'      => ['logos', 'linux'],
>    'business'       => ['office'],
>    'button'         => ['computer', 'icons'],
>    'cactus'         => ['plants'],
>    'callout'        => ['shapes', 'callouts'],
>    'candy'          => ['food', 'deserts'],
>    'carrot'         => ['food', 'vegitables'],
>    'caution'        => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'celebrity'      => ['people'],
>    'celtic'         => ['decorations'],
>    'che'            => ['people'],
>    'chicken'        => ['animals'],
>    'clipart'        => ['computer'], # Why do these images have this keyword?
>    'clipboard'      => ['office'],
>    'cochon'         => ['animals'], # Clearly, some keyword normalization or authority control is in order.
>    'coffe'          => ['food', 'beverages'],
>    'computer'       => ['computer'],
>    'curve'          => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'curvy'          => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'daemon'         => ['logos'],
>    'decoration'     => ['decorations'],
>    'decorations'    => ['decorations'],
>    'desert'         => ['plants'],
>    'device'         => ['computer', 'icons', 'device'],
>    'devices'        => ['computer', 'icons', 'device'],
>    'do'             => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'dry'            => ['plants'],
>    'duck'           => ['animals', 'birds'],
>    'eagle'          => ['animals', 'birds'],
>    'education'      => ['education'],
>    'einstein'       => ['people'],
>    'emblems'        => ['computer', 'icons', 'filetypes'],
>    'enter'          => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'entertainment'  => ['recreation'],
>    'envelope'       => ['office'],
>    'europe'         => ['geography'],
>    'evergreen'      => ['plants', 'trees'],
>    'examples'       => ['special', 'examples'],
>    'Examples'       => ['special', 'examples'],
>    'face'           => ['people'],
>    'farm'           => ['animals'],
>    'festive'        => ['recreation', 'party'],
>    'filesystem'     => ['computer', 'icons'],
>    'filesystems'    => ['computer', 'icons'],
>    'filetype'       => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'], # WHY do these images have this keyword?
>    'fish'           => ['animals'],
>    'flag'           => ['geography', 'flags'],
>    'flags'          => ['geograph', 'flags'],
>    'flight'         => ['animals', 'birds'],
>    'flourish'       => ['decorations'],
>    'flower'         => ['plants', 'flowers'],
>    'fly'            => ['animals', 'birds'],
>    'food'           => ['food'],
>    'foul'           => ['animals', 'birds'],
>    'fruit'          => ['food', 'fruit'],
>    'game'           => ['recreation', 'games'],
>    'geometry'       => ['shapes'],
>    'gnu'            => ['logos', 'linux'],
>    'gourami'        => ['animals', 'fish'],
>    'grass'          => ['animals', 'bugs'], # Really strange keyword assignment here.
>    'gradients'      => ['special', 'gradients'],
>    'grape'          => ['food', 'fruit'],
>    'great'          => ['geography'],
>    'guevera'        => ['people'],
>    'harvest'        => ['food'],
>    'hen'            => ['animals'],
>    'highway'        => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'holiday'        => ['recreation', 'holiday'],
>    'homes'          => ['buildings', 'homes'],
>    'hopper'         => ['animals', 'bugs'],
>    'house'          => ['buildings', 'homes'],
>    'icon'           => ['computer', 'icons'],
>    'icons'          => ['computer', 'icons'],
>    'imac'           => ['computer'],
>    'images'         => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'],
>    'insect'         => ['animals', 'bugs'],
>    'insects'        => ['animals', 'bugs'],
>    'interface'      => ['computer', 'icons'],
>    'kawai'          => ['animals'], # Yep, we'll need authority control.
>    'ladybug'        => ['animals', 'bugs'],
>    'laptop'         => ['computer'],
>    'library'        => ['buildings'],
>    'linux'          => ['logos', 'linux'],
>    'logo'           => ['logos'],
>    'logos'          => ['logos', 'linux'], # Umm, that's what's there, currently.
>    'mammal'         => ['animals', 'mammals'],
>    'mammals'        => ['animals', 'mammals'],
>    'man'            => ['people'],
>    'map'            => ['geography'],
>    'maps'           => ['geography'],
>    'map_symbols'    => ['geography', 'map_symbols'],
>    'mascot'         => ['logos', 'linux'],
>    'meat'           => ['food'],
>    'milk'           => ['food', 'beverages'],
>    'mime-types'     => ['computer', 'icons', 'filetypes'],
>    'mousecursor'    => ['computer'],
>    'mushroom'       => ['food'],
>    'music'          => ['recreation', 'music'],
>    'musicsym'       => ['recreation', 'music'],
>    'navigation'     => ['computer', 'icons'],
>    'nimbochromis'   => ['animals', 'fish'],
>    'nicu'           => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'],
>    'no'             => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'not'            => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'note'           => ['recreation', 'music'],
>    'ocal_logo'      => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'],
>    'oceania'        => ['geography'],
>    'office'         => ['office'],
>    'one'            => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'openclipart'    => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'],
>    'pear'           => ['food', 'fruit'],
>    'penguin'        => ['animals'],
>    'people'         => ['people'],
>    'pig'            => ['animals'],
>    'plane'          => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
>    'plant'          => ['plants'],
>    'roadsign'       => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'scotland'       => ['geography'],
>    'shape'          => ['shapes'],
>    'shapes'         => ['shapes'],
>    'sign'           => ['signs_and_symbols'],
>    'signs'          => ['geography', 'map_symbols'], # Not sure if this is right?
>    'soccer'         => ['recreation'],
>    'soup'           => ['food'],
>    'sport'          => ['recreation'],
>    'sports'         => ['recreation'],
>    'star'           => ['shapes'],
>    'steaming'       => ['food'],
>    'stop'           => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'study'          => ['education'],
>    'symbol'         => ['signs_and_symbols'],
>    'tea'            => ['food', 'beverages'],
>    'toy'            => ['recreation', 'toys'],
>    'toys'           => ['recreation', 'toys'],
>    'thanksgiving'   => ['recreation', 'holiday', 'thanksgiving'],
>    'transport'      => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
>    'transportation' => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
>    'tree'           => ['plants', 'trees'],
>    'tropical'       => ['animals', 'fish'],
>    'turn'           => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'tux'            => ['logos', 'linux'],
>    'tuxx'           => ['logos', 'linux'],
>    'u'              => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'usholiday'      => ['recreation', 'holiday'],
>    'vegitable'      => ['food', 'vegitables'],
>    'venustus'       => ['animals', 'fish'],
>    'warning'        => ['signs_and_symbols'],
>    'watch'          => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'way'            => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
>    'wildlife'       => ['animals'],
>    'wreath'         => ['recreation', 'holiday', 'Christmas'],
>    'xmas'           => ['recreation', 'holiday', 'Christmas'],
>    # ... and so on
>   );
> use File::Spec::Functions;
> if (not -e catfile($basedir, 'unsorted')) {
>   mkdir catfile($basedir, 'unsorted') or warn "Cannot create unsorted directory: $!\n";
> }
> opendir DIR, $basedir or die "Cannot opendir $basedir: $!";
> @d = readdir DIR; close DIR;
> for my $d (@d) {
>   print "=================== (Processing $d)\n" if $debug>1;
>   if (-d $d and not $d =~ /[.]/) {
>     my $dest = $hierarchy{lc $d} || ['unsorted'];
>     if ($d ne catfile(@$dest)) {
>       print "[Dest: @$dest]\n" if $debug >2;
>       # pop @$dest while $$dest[-1] =~ /[.]/;
>       for (0..(@$dest - 1)) {
>         my $x = catfile($basedir, @$dest[0..$_]);
>         if (not -e $x) {
>           print "Creating dir: $x\n";
>           mkdir $x;
>           warn "Cannot create directory $x: $!\n" if not -d $x;
>         }
>       }
>       opendir DIR, catfile($basedir, $d);
>       @f = readdir DIR; close DIR;
>       for $f (@f) {
>         if (not $f =~ m/^[.]/) {
>           print "[$f]" if $debug>3;
>           my $sourcepath = catfile($basedir, $d,     $f);
>           my $destpath   = catfile($basedir, @$dest, $f);
>           if ($sourcepath eq $destpath) {
>             warn "No need to move $sourcepath" if $debug>5;
>           } else {
>             if (not system('mv', '-f', $sourcepath, $destpath)) {
>               if ($! =~ /same file/) {
>                 unlink $sourcepath or warn "Connot unlink $sourcepath: $!\n";
>               } else {
>                 warn "Unsuccessful move from $sourcepath to $destpath: $!\n";
>               }
>             }
>           }
>         } else {
>           warn "Not attempting to move $f\n" if $debug>3;
>         }
>       }
>       rmdir catfile($basedir, $d) or warn "Directory Not Removed: $d\n";
>     }
>   } else {
>     warn "Not processing: $d (not a directory)\n";
>   }
> }
> __END__
-------------- next part --------------
# -*- cperl -*-

my $debug = 42; $|=1;
my $basedir = '/home/bryce/src/Clipart/openclipart-0.08';
# You must already have the latest release unpacked there.

# Also it's useful to do the following preprocessing first:
# * Within Flags, move all the images from the subdirs up into Flags
#   itself, or else move the subdirs up out of Flags and list them
#   in the %hierarchy hash below.

my %hierarchy =

   'action'         => ['computer', 'icons', 'action'],
   'actions'        => ['computer', 'icons', 'action'],
   'africa'         => ['geography'],
   'albert'         => ['people'],
   'america'        => ['geography'],
   'animal'         => ['animals'],
   'animals'        => ['animals'],
   'appicon'        => ['computer', 'icons', 'applications'],
   'apple'          => ['food', 'fruit'],
   'application'    => ['computer', 'icons', 'applications'],
   'apps'           => ['computer', 'icons', 'applications'],

   'aqua'           => ['computer', 'icons'],
   'architecture'   => ['buildings'],
   'arrow'          => ['shapes', 'arrows'],
   'asia'           => ['geography'],
   'automne'        => ['plants'],
   'automobiles'    => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
   'bacon'          => ['food'],
   'ball'           => ['recreation', 'toys'],
   'beach'          => ['recreation', 'toys'],
   'beverages'      => ['food', 'beverages'],
   'bicycle'        => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
   'bicycles'       => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'bill'           => ['people'],
   'bird'           => ['animals', 'birds'],
   'boat'           => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
   'book'           => ['education', 'books'],
   'bouquet'        => ['plants', 'flowers'],
   'bowl'           => ['food'],

   'breizh'         => ['decorations'],
   'britain'        => ['geography'],
   'bsd'            => ['computer'],
   'bug'            => ['animals', 'bugs'],
   'building'       => ['buildings'],
   'bulma'          => ['logos', 'linux'],
   'bulmalug'       => ['logos', 'linux'],
   'bulma.net'      => ['logos', 'linux'],

   'business'       => ['office'],
   'button'         => ['computer', 'icons'],
   'cactus'         => ['plants'],
   'callout'        => ['shapes', 'callouts'],
   'candy'          => ['food', 'deserts'],
   'carrot'         => ['food', 'vegitables'],
   'caution'        => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'celebrity'      => ['people'],
   'celtic'         => ['decorations'],
   'che'            => ['people'],

   'chicken'        => ['animals'],
   'clipart'        => ['computer'], # Why do these images have this keyword?
   'clipboard'      => ['office'],
   'cochon'         => ['animals'], # Clearly, some keyword normalization or authority control is in order.
   'coffe'          => ['food', 'beverages'],
   'computer'       => ['computer'],
   'curve'          => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'curvy'          => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'daemon'         => ['logos'],
   'decoration'     => ['decorations'],
   'decorations'    => ['decorations'],

   'desert'         => ['plants'],
   'device'         => ['computer', 'icons', 'device'],
   'devices'        => ['computer', 'icons', 'device'],
   'do'             => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'dry'            => ['plants'],
   'duck'           => ['animals', 'birds'],

   'eagle'          => ['animals', 'birds'],
   'education'      => ['education'],
   'einstein'       => ['people'],
   'emblems'        => ['computer', 'icons', 'filetypes'],
   'enter'          => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'entertainment'  => ['recreation'],
   'envelope'       => ['office'],
   'europe'         => ['geography'],
   'evergreen'      => ['plants', 'trees'],
   'examples'       => ['special', 'examples'],
   'Examples'       => ['special', 'examples'],
   'face'           => ['people'],

   'farm'           => ['animals'],
   'festive'        => ['recreation', 'party'],
   'filesystem'     => ['computer', 'icons'],
   'filesystems'    => ['computer', 'icons'],
   'filetype'       => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'], # WHY do these images have this keyword?

   'fish'           => ['animals'],
   'flag'           => ['geography', 'flags'],
   'flags'          => ['geograph', 'flags'],
   'flight'         => ['animals', 'birds'],
   'flourish'       => ['decorations'],
   'flower'         => ['plants', 'flowers'],
   'fly'            => ['animals', 'birds'],
   'food'           => ['food'],
   'foul'           => ['animals', 'birds'],
   'fruit'          => ['food', 'fruit'],

   'game'           => ['recreation', 'games'],
   'geometry'       => ['shapes'],
   'gnu'            => ['logos', 'linux'],
   'gourami'        => ['animals', 'fish'],
   'grass'          => ['animals', 'bugs'], # Really strange keyword assignment here.
   'gradients'      => ['special', 'gradients'],
   'grape'          => ['food', 'fruit'],
   'great'          => ['geography'],
   'guevera'        => ['people'],

   'harvest'        => ['food'],
   'hen'            => ['animals'],
   'highway'        => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'holiday'        => ['recreation', 'holiday'],
   'homes'          => ['buildings', 'homes'],
   'hopper'         => ['animals', 'bugs'],
   'house'          => ['buildings', 'homes'],

   'icon'           => ['computer', 'icons'],
   'icons'          => ['computer', 'icons'],
   'imac'           => ['computer'],
   'images'         => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'],
   'insect'         => ['animals', 'bugs'],

   'insects'        => ['animals', 'bugs'],
   'interface'      => ['computer', 'icons'],
   'kawai'          => ['animals'], # Yep, we'll need authority control.
   'ladybug'        => ['animals', 'bugs'],
   'laptop'         => ['computer'],
   'library'        => ['buildings'],

   'linux'          => ['logos', 'linux'],
   'logo'           => ['logos'],
   'logos'          => ['logos', 'linux'], # Umm, that's what's there, currently.
   'mammal'         => ['animals', 'mammals'],
   'mammals'        => ['animals', 'mammals'],
   'man'            => ['people'],
   'map'            => ['geography'],
   'maps'           => ['geography'],
   'map_symbols'    => ['geography', 'map_symbols'],
   'mascot'         => ['logos', 'linux'],
   'meat'           => ['food'],
   'milk'           => ['food', 'beverages'],

   'mime-types'     => ['computer', 'icons', 'filetypes'],
   'mousecursor'    => ['computer'],
   'mushroom'       => ['food'],
   'music'          => ['recreation', 'music'],
   'musicsym'       => ['recreation', 'music'],
   'navigation'     => ['computer', 'icons'],
   'nimbochromis'   => ['animals', 'fish'],
   'nicu'           => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'],
   'no'             => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'not'            => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'note'           => ['recreation', 'music'],

   'ocal_logo'      => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'],
   'oceania'        => ['geography'],
   'office'         => ['office'],
   'one'            => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'openclipart'    => ['logos', 'OpenClipArtLibrary'],
   'pear'           => ['food', 'fruit'],
   'penguin'        => ['animals'],

   'people'         => ['people'],
   'pig'            => ['animals'],
   'plane'          => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
   'plant'          => ['plants'],
   'roadsign'       => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'scotland'       => ['geography'],

   'shape'          => ['shapes'],
   'shapes'         => ['shapes'],
   'sign'           => ['signs_and_symbols'],
   'signs'          => ['geography', 'map_symbols'], # Not sure if this is right?

   'soccer'         => ['recreation'],
   'soup'           => ['food'],
   'sport'          => ['recreation'],
   'sports'         => ['recreation'],
   'star'           => ['shapes'],
   'steaming'       => ['food'],
   'stop'           => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'study'          => ['education'],
   'symbol'         => ['signs_and_symbols'],

   'tea'            => ['food', 'beverages'],
   'toy'            => ['recreation', 'toys'],
   'toys'           => ['recreation', 'toys'],
   'thanksgiving'   => ['recreation', 'holiday', 'thanksgiving'],
   'transport'      => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
   'transportation' => ['transportation', 'vehicles'],
   'tree'           => ['plants', 'trees'],
   'tropical'       => ['animals', 'fish'],

   'turn'           => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'tux'            => ['logos', 'linux'],
   'tuxx'           => ['logos', 'linux'],
   'u'              => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'usholiday'      => ['recreation', 'holiday'],
   'vegitable'      => ['food', 'vegitables'],
   'venustus'       => ['animals', 'fish'],
   'warning'        => ['signs_and_symbols'],
   'watch'          => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'way'            => ['transportation', 'roadsigns'],
   'wildlife'       => ['animals'],
   'wreath'         => ['recreation', 'holiday', 'Christmas'],
   'xmas'           => ['recreation', 'holiday', 'Christmas'],

   # ... and so on

use File::Spec::Functions;
if (not -e catfile($basedir, 'unsorted')) {
  mkdir catfile($basedir, 'unsorted') or warn "Cannot create unsorted directory: $!\n";

opendir DIR, $basedir or die "Cannot opendir $basedir: $!";
@d = readdir DIR; close DIR;
for my $d (@d) {
  print "=================== (Processing $d)\n" if $debug>1;
  if (-d catdir($basedir, $d) && $d !~ /^\./) {
    my $dest = catdir($basedir, 'unsorted');
    if (defined $hierarchy{lc $d}) {
      $dest = catdir($basedir, @{$hierarchy{lc $d}});
    if (catdir($basedir,$d) ne $dest) {
      print "[Dest: $dest]\n" if $debug >2;
      `mkdir -p $dest`;  # TODO:  Should use File::Path::mkpath
      opendir DIR, catfile($basedir, $d);
      @f = readdir DIR; 
      close DIR;
      for $f (@f) {
        if ($f !~ m/^\./) {
          print "[$f]" if $debug>3;
          my $sourcepath = catfile($basedir, $d, $f);
          if ($sourcepath eq catfile($dest, $f)) {
            warn "No need to move $sourcepath" if $debug>5;
          } else {
	    print "Moving $sourcepath to $dest\n";
            if (not system('mv', '-f', $sourcepath, $dest)) {
              if ($! =~ /same file/) {
                unlink $sourcepath or warn "Cannot unlink $sourcepath: $!\n";
              } else {
                warn "Unsuccessful move from $sourcepath to $dest: $!\n";
        } else {
          warn "Not attempting to move $f\n" if $debug>3;
      rmdir catfile($basedir, $d) or warn "Directory Not Removed: $d\n";
  } else {
    warn "Not processing: $d (not a directory)\n";


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