[Clipart] Upload form still broken...

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Wed Sep 1 06:47:09 PDT 2004

Danny Allen <dannya40uk at yahoo.co.uk> writes:

> Hi,
> I emailed a while back about the upload form on openclipart.org not
> working (a 500 internal server error) - it is still broken.

I tried to reproduce this, and couldn't...

> This happens when trying to upload a gzipped tar file.

Ah, that helps.  I'm now able to reproduce the problem.  I'll have a
look at it and see what I can determine.  However, the problem doesn't
happen on my system here, only on the server, so I may have to get
help from someone with access to the server logs.

Wait, scratch that, the error log seems to be in /projects/clipart
where I can see it.  Very nice.  Now all I have to do is tail it and
reproduce the problem again...

Can't locate object method "extract_file" via package "Archive::Tar"
at /projects/clipart/clipart_web/cgi-bin/upload_svg.cgi line 72.

Huh?  What version of Archive::Tar do we have?

jonadab at gabe:/projects/clipart$ perl -e ' use Archive::Tar; print "$Archive::Tar::VERSION$/"; '
jonadab at gabe:/projects/clipart$

Yowzers!  How old is *that*?  What are we running on, Debian stable or
something?  I have Archive::Tar version 1.10 here.

I suspect if we upgrade Archive::Tar this problem will go away.  I
tried to do that, but something went wrong with the upgrade, and I'm
out of time for this morning.

split//,"ten.thgirb\@badanoj$/ --";$\=$ ;-> ();print$/

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