[Clipart] Browsing interface

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Fri Sep 17 07:55:03 PDT 2004

Carl Worth <cworth at east.isi.edu> writes:

> Additionally, these two clicks are in separate elements of the
> website. Going deeper in the hierarchy requires using the menu on
> the left, while going up requires using the "You are here" path
> across the top.

Yeah, this one bugs me too.

> These same 20 thumbnails could have been displayed on a single page at
> the top "Animals" category, which would have required 1 click instead
> of 8.

Except, there aren't going to be only 20 animal images forever.

Come to think of it, maybe we should run animals as a request theme
one of these months.

> Is there really a compelling reason for not displaying the items that
> belong to sub-categories when viewing a more general category? 

There will be, when the categories are populated better.

This library is only a few months old, and has only (relatively) a few
images at this point.  That will no be the case long-term.

> 1) Display item counts next to category names in the menus.

That would be nice.

> 2) Combine the two separate navigation menus.

I agree with this too.

> 3) At any level in the hierarchy, display thumbnails for all
>    items in the current category and in all sub-categories.

I think that could get to be a problem.

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