[Clipart] upload_svg.cgi and the mail notification

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Sat Sep 25 11:27:16 PDT 2004

Jonathan Phillips <jon at rejon.org> writes:

[using the screenshots upload script]
> I've added a couple and I encourage you all to do the same, 

I just realized we didn't get the mail notification.

When I tested the mail notification on my system here, sending to my
email address using my ISP's mail server, it worked.  So I suppose the
most likely problem is with the configuration.  It's set up currently
to send to clipart at freedesktop.org, and no mail server is specified,
so it will try to use the loopback interface (  There are a
couple of possibilities here...

 * Is the web server also the mail server?  If not, then we need to
   specify a value for mail_server in upload_screenshot.cfg

 * Does the freedesktop.org server listen for incoming mail on the
   loopback interface?  If it doesn't, then we need to specify a
   value for mail_server in upload_screenshot.cfg
 * If the mailing list is secure (i.e., only accepts messages from
   subscribed addresses), then I need to have the script use a
   different envelope from address, one that is subscribed.  I can
   have it use my email address for this for now.  Depending on how
   the mailing list software works, it might be necessary to also
   specify a different From: address.

Anyone know the answer to the other two questions?

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