[Cctools-cchost] Re: [Clipart] checkin

Victor Stone lists at fourstones.net
Tue Feb 28 12:26:22 PST 2006

Jon Phillips wrote:
>>The translation language support did go in 100%, if that's blocking 
>>someone let me know immediately because this week is going to be 
>>somewhat crazy with ccMixter specific stuff.
> Awesome Victor, we had some DDoS style problems from a user over the
> weekend so missed many of these changes until now.
> Can you instruct the OCAL devs. how to use the new translation lang.
> support so that we can customize Open Clip Art Library?

I actually screwed up my checkin mail (missing a 'not' 100% checked in) 
but it's all in now (sent Jon separate mail how to get the files on to 
your site).

To create a new language set (logged in as administrator):

1. browse to http://yourserver/media/admin/language
2. Select the check box 'Enable' and click 'Submit'
3. browse to http://yourserver/media/admin/language/en

The rest should be self evident. (assuming it all works)

To see the new language in action:

1. browse to http://yourserver/media/admin/language
2. select your new language from the drop down, click 'Submit'

Let me know what's broken.


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