[Clipart] Open Clip Art Library belonging to Open Office?

Tareq Kakar tareq85 at web.de
Tue Jan 10 10:00:56 PST 2006

I see, so at least we share one agreement: Being against the US's war against the world. I'd be interested in having your response concerning following question:

Would you approve of Open Clip Art Library taking in Nazi symbols? Would you approve that under your "free speech" argument? 

Furthermore why did you, as you write, resist publishing "historical flags, body parts, religious symbols" in the beginning?

You know there cannot be absolute "free speech" and often that concept is hijacked for political purposes. I agree with open intellectual discourse in accordance with manners, but don't agree with a hijacked notion of "free spech". Listen, assume you're the director of a stadium and somebody wants to get into the stadium in order to shout "Fire... Fire!!!" Would you let him in because of "free speech"??? 

Sometimes "free speech" is very harmful & coming back to our issue I'd say that it's rather better to remove symbols of the US military and also of other war mongers & criminals that are harming civilization & humanity. Also I don't agree with all the games that are created to glorify the US military. What's behind that? It's only a question of manner, humanity and some basic reason to gather the courage to say a clear & loud NO, NO, NO to criminals, butchers & enemies of humanity. 

Thanks for your attention!

clipart at lists.freedesktop.org schrieb am 10.01.06 15:37:29:

Open Clip Art Library Feedback Form wrote:
> Name: Kakar
> Dear Sirs,
> I've got two questions:
> 1. Does this clipart library belong to Open Office?

NO, this is an independent project.
However, is true that some contributors to Open Clip Art Library are 
also contributors to OpenOffice.org (like me for example)

> 2. Why do you offer cliparts that depict US military equipment, e.g.
> tanks, vehicles etc.??? I don't like to offend you, but this is

Because we think there are some legit uses for those images - for 
example in a videogame or a history study.
Fell free to submit clipart representing AK-47 (anecdote: AK-47 is the 
only weapon i used ever, in my army duty), T-34, MiG 21 or whatever, we 
will gladly accept it.

> really making customers afraid because we're civilized and don't want
> to collaborate with armies, especially the US army that is involved in
> brutal campaigns, killing hundreds of thousands of people and making
> millions homeless & agonized.

Nope, removing them would be censorship.
We believe in free speech, got in the past similar requests for 
historical flags, body parts, religious symbols, etc. and resisted them.

> I hope you understand & take the serious measure which is to remove
> all the US military cliparts!!

You see to much into this, those images have no politicall meaning at 
all, we are a software and art project, composed from people from all 
the world, we don't endorse the policy of any state.
Personally, i am against USA war against the entire world but this is a 
matter completely unrelated to our project here.

> Thank you very much in advance & My all best wishes to your project
> (without US military!!!)!

Open Clip Art Library: http://www.openclipart.org

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