[Clipart] Opencliparts for Openoffice

Stéphane Bardou bardou at gmail.com
Fri May 5 14:13:29 PDT 2006

(sorry for my english)


I have made a open source "contrib" to easily install opencliparts for
I increased image's size of 5700 images to 600px  - with Inkscape - to
generate another package. with .png pictures (exe package and zip package
available) and add openoffice gallery descriptor files (.sdv, .sdg, .thm).

Openoffice 'catégories' are in french but you can rename them.

This work will be obsolete when svg support in openoffice will be ok.

Hope it will be usefull.

Stéphane Bardou
from France, Pyrenees.
bardou at gmail.com
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