[Clipart] clipart files

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Fri Nov 23 08:38:20 PST 2007

On Fri, 23 Nov 2007, Tobias Jakobs wrote:

> > I'm developing a website (clker.com) based on openclipart.org and during
> > reading the wiki I found that I implemented code that can be contributed
> > back to you, including autothumbnailing, auto cleaning errors in svgs
> > like linked images and exporting some images to odg, detecting repeated
> > images . And I am in the process of implementing multiple uploads.

Are all of your images from openclipart? Are they all public domain? Maybe 
you can list on your webpage that these are all public domain.

Your website is very useful for me and I quickly found some images I am 
going to reuse. Thank you!

(I am able to read the SVG source to see that they are public domain with 
the tag:
<cc:License rdf:about="http://web.resource.org/cc/PublicDomain">

A suggestion for your site: Please list the tags/keywords for each image 
too (with each image). That way if I search for "computer hardware" and 
then the images will list all the other tags/keywords that they are 
identified as. That way I can look at some examples and then fine-tune my 

Where are your tags/keywords stored?

Does your search use the <dc:title> ??

What is the dc:subject and rdf:Bag for?

I downloaded 1194985655932861486computer_keyboard_01.svg and it had:


What is this description with HASH and rdf:li with hash?

Also maybe you should show the artist's name with each image (to give 
credit) and also list the title (from <dc:title>) with each image.

And your search buttons "Start" and "End" are redundant on some searches 
-- where they point to the same as the "1" button and the last number 
button. It looks like there are two more screens of images. Maybe get rid 
of the "Start" and "End" buttons when there are less than eight screens of 
images. Also get rid of the "Start" and "End" buttons when the search has 
no results (like this bogus link I found 

Thanks again for your useful website. I was thinking about this this 
morning and then saw this email about it!

Jeremy C. Reed

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