[Clipart] [Open Clip Art Library] Upload failed?

noreply at openclipart.org noreply at openclipart.org
Mon Apr 14 01:52:52 PDT 2008

I've tried a couple of times now to upload a compressed SVG file (Inkscape SVGZ), and it's not working.  I click upload, the request is sent, and then I am presented with a blank white screen.  My HTML validator informs me that the document ends in the prolog, meaning that the server never actually sent a response.

The uncompressed file is rather large (1.1 MB).  I could save a lot of space using Inkscape's simplify tool, but the loss in detail isn't acceptable.  The other alternative is sorting through it node by node, manually removing extraneous nodes, and correcting any errors.  But there are 18,371 nodes.  Life is too short for that.



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