[Clipart] [Open Clip Art Library] use of drawing

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 16:07:54 PST 2008


>  Hello, may I use one of the golden plover drawings (http://openclipart.org/Xiph/files/ryanlerch/1891 -- "Golden Plovers") to accompany a tune called "The Golden Plover" in an upcoming issue of Fiddler Magazine? If so, should I give a credit? To the website, or to the artist (Ryan? Also says "featuring: USA Fish and Wildlife Service, Bob Hines". ) Thank you!

Certainly you may.  All images in the Open Clip Art Library have been
released into the public domain specifically to enable this.  It would
be best if you could credit the artist, website, and the original
source (this was produced based on an image from the USA Fish and
Wildlife Service, produced by Bob Hines).  However, strictly speaking
you don't have to.   On the other hand, it wouldn't take up that much

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Computational Linguistics Group

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