[Clipart] Publish Book?

Greg Bulmash oneminuteinspirations at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 02:03:11 PDT 2008

Dover and other publishers of clip-art books have a history of 
collecting copyright-free works and then trying to lock them up with 
copyright through sui generis and claiming that their scanning and 
clean-up of the works prior to publication constitute the creation of a 
new copyrightable work.

Usually their deal is that if you use more than 10 images from one of 
their books in a project, you're violating their copyright on the 
collection (sui generis - the same way they copyright databases of 
uncopyrightable facts).

I'd stay away from Dover.  They serve a purpose and fill a need, but 
their philosophies aren't in line with the OCAL's.

Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
> Publish Book?
> Has the question of publishing been discussed?
> There is already a vast industry providing similar works
> books provide a useful overview
> would raise profile in a separate sector
> Dover already has an ethos of providing copyright free works.
> there editorial submission process is here:
> http://store.doverpublications.com/condov.html#EDITSUB
> regards
> my logo <http://www.openicon.org>
> Jonathan Chetwynd
> j.chetwynd at btinternet.com <mailto:j.chetwynd at btinternet.com>
> http://www.openicon.org/
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