[Clipart] Problem uploading a certain file

Nicu Buculei nicu_gfx at nicubunu.ro
Mon Feb 1 23:18:39 PST 2010

On 01/31/2010 12:54 AM, J. Alves wrote:
> I then decided to do the inverse path: start from the one benzene ring
> file and slowly build up the graphene drawing, submitting each one on
> turn (and always saving as "plain SVG" as Nicu suggested). The
> submission would take longer and longer each time -- I started with
> one ring, then two, then four, 5, two "rows" of rings, four rows, 6
> rows. When I added the 7th, it failed as previously described (blank
> page after the submission). I would think that the site only gets the
> file and stores, but apparently it might not be the case since it's
> taking so much longer to process the file as it gets a little larger.
> What is OCAL doing to the file, if anything, and why? I don't think
> it's a particularly good idea, unless someone enlightens me to the
> reason behind it.
> But a suspicion arose in my mind: could it be a size problem? (e.g.
> after you get an image larger than X by Y, the submission fails)

I am not the developers behind this, just another user, but if I 
remember correctly, there is a program performing some validation after 
the upload (to ensure is valid SVG or something like that).
For large and/or complex files, it takes a *long* time and is timing 
out. I believe at some point the timeout value was increased, since we 
had the problem very frequently.

nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com

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