[Clipart] "Created by" details.

chovynz chovynz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 12:21:00 PST 2010

On 14/03/2010 6:58 a.m., Jon Phillips wrote:

I'm loving the new site, guys. Well done.
> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 3:50 PM, chovynz<chovynz at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Is Bassil working on the OCAL right now?
>> The reason I'm asking is I think I see a new feature that has appeared in
>> the last 10 minutes. When an uploader selects a description or tags, that
>> uploader can change the details of that field.
>> Is this a new feature in the last 10 minutes, or is it something I missed
>> before and has been there since Aiki was used?
> librarians can see this feature.
1.) Clipart UI / Manage Clipart / Librarians
Are you sure only librarians? Does it work on uploader or librarian 
status? Can a /Librarian /change other /Uploaders /clipart details? Or 
did I misunderstand your reply?
I ask because, when using the Anonymous account (which I assume is still 
a librarian account?) I can only edit Anonymous' uploads, but not 
other's clipart (mine). However when I log onto my personal account I 
can edit my clipart. It's great that the manage clipart thing is built 
into the UI. What happens if you want to replace your clipart with a new 
one? Any feature for that or plans for it in the future?

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:13 PM, Oleg Koptev<koptev.oleg at gmail.com>  wrote:

> >  Also - am I will able to delete mine cliparts?
> >  I want to delete one fault upload.
that's a feature we need pretty bad.

Yes it is. Got an ETA on it?

2.) How does one know what account type one has/is using? Would having 
an /account type/ indicator be a good idea?

*3.) Tags*:
/"  media, clip_art, b_w, public_domain, image, svg, game, nine, morris, 
line_art, game, nine, morris, line_art"/
This tag list was taken from one of the older cliparts (BCB - Before 
Cool Beta). With the new Aiki framework are we able to safely remove 
these tags?:
/media, clip_art, public_domain, image, svg/
These never made sense to me in having them as tags other than "CCHost 
required it".

4.) What jobs can be automated?
>> In any case, I request that the uploader can also adjust the "created by"
>> field in the same way.
How else can I help Bassel?

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