[Clipart] I made a widescreen/fluid OCAL UI for Stylish

chovynz chovynz at gmail.com
Mon May 2 05:04:23 PDT 2011

Updated version.

   - Made the nav bar a little bit better.
   - Pulled in the login / register buttons into hover nav bar so that your
   tools are always in reach.
   - Centered the sidebox titles
   - adjusted header spaceing
   - corrected footer width to 100%

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("openclipart.org") {
#main {background: url(none) 50% 0% repeat-y !important;}

#links {background-color:#4F514D !important;}
#header, #mainnav, #yellow-bar, #forfooter, #links, #main, #fab-banner,
#footer {
margin: 0px !important;
width: 100% !important;
padding: 0px !important;
#header {margin-top:39px !important;}

div#container ul{
position:fixed !important;
top:0px !important;
margin:auto !important;
z-index:666 !important;
#content {margin-top:2em !important;}
.sidebox h3 {text-align: center !important;}
.sidebox {width: 25% !important;}
#recent-img {width: 75% !important;}

#logged {
position:fixed !important;
top:0px !important;
float:right !important;
z-index: 9000 !important;

#mainnav li.launchpad {

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