bus limits

Seth Nickell snickell at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 11:39:16 PDT 2004

> So, I've recently ran into the limits of the system message bus when
> stress testing hal - (basically unplugging 10 USB devices at once,
> leading to 50+ message calls at nearly the same time). The way I
> discovered this was that some of the method calls to the service was
> rejected by the bus with the message 'The maximum number of pending
> replies per connection has been reached'. This limit, though
> configurable from the system.conf file, defaults to 32.

FWIW, this limit makes DBus nearly impossible to use for something
like Storage. Limits just seem like a bad idea, is there another way
to detect that the other side isn't picking up messages? Maybe some
sort of mandatory heart beat?


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