[Fontconfig] fontconfig should set font weight with usWeightclass value

Ken Joseph o123 at netian.com
Sat Mar 8 18:03:21 EST 2003

It seems that fontconfig assigns a font weight value of 200
to all fonts which have their bold bit set in the fsSelection value
of OS/2 font table regardless of whether the font is demibold,
bold or black. This causes applications to pick a wrong font
when there are several fonts with the same family and bold bit set
but with different styles.
For example, I have Zurich Bold and Zurich Black typeface.
They are both Zurich family and both have set their bold bit on.
But they are both given font weight value 200. Somehow
applications see them as same face and display them as the same
Bold or Black face. They should be given different font weight value
greater than 100.
I think font weight values should be set not by the bold bit but
by the usWeightClass value in the font OS/2 table. The OpenType 
OS/2 table information on Abode site 
shows the following table.

usWeightClass  Description
=============  =========
100            Thin
200            Extra Light
300            Light
400            Normal (Regular)
500            Medium
600            Demibold
700            Bold
800            Extra Bold
900            Black

So I think it makes more sense if fontconfig assigns
font weight values based on usWeightClass value in OS/2 font table
rather than just the bold bit.

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