Scope and Using devices

John McCutchan ttb at
Tue Jun 1 12:43:00 PDT 2004

On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 01:26:26PM -0400, Joe Shaw wrote:
> The thing is, HAL will never be able to do device access as well or as
> flexibly as a library could.  "Do one thing and do it well", etc., etc.
> These libraries mostly already exist today: iwlib, libgphoto, etc.  In a
> lot of cases applications can use these along with HAL today, and
> hopefully these libraries will be adapted to use HAL intrinsically in
> the future.  Oh, and libraries can (and perhaps should) do policy,
> whereas HAL probably shouldn't.  It's having all that infrastructure in
> hald, resident in memory, probably isn't the best approach.
> It doesn't make much sense to me to do things like bridge properties
> between HAL and CUPS when really the best API for this is (ahem, at
> least in theory) CUPS's own.

Also libraries like iwlib, and libgphoto can provide a more sane,
developer friendly API to the type of device that people are trying to
deal with. These libraries should be incorporating HAL as their
device discovery backend, instead of trying to add higher level features in 
to HAL.


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