[immodule-qt] QInputContext Implementation

manish.s.sharma at nokia.com manish.s.sharma at nokia.com
Thu Jul 24 06:10:29 PDT 2008


Thanks for the response.

I am very new to Qt and I am really sorry for posting such an immature
code on forum. As suggested by you I just had a look at the
QXIMInputContext and here are some of my observations and questions.

A) Widget to InputContext conversation:
	1) I think there is some callback we have to introduce for the
widget to inform input context about different states. Are those
callback functions are already 	implemented? Or are those functions we
have to implement based on Operating System we are using?

	2) What is the use of filterEvent functions? From the trolltech
documents it seems that we should get callbacks for the keypress at this
function, But I am not 	getting any callbacks. Any guess on this?

B) InputContext to Widget conversation:
	1) I am able to send some events from InputContext to Widget
with sendEvent function ( with unexpected behavior :) ). Is there any
other way to send information 	to Widget?

Please correct me if I am wrong.

(I have qt-win-opensource-src-4.4.0-rc1 version installed in my PC.)

Awaiting for the response.

Please help,

>-----Original Message-----
>From: ext Daisuke Kameda [mailto:kaminmat at cc.rim.or.jp] 
>Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:28 PM
>To: Sharma Manish.S (Nokia-D-MSW/Bangalore)
>Cc: immodule-qt at lists.freedesktop.org
>Subject: Re: [immodule-qt] QInputContext Implementation
>Hello Manish,
>I read the source code a little, but I feel this sample code 
>unnatural as Qt application. And, probably you didn't 
>understand programing style of QInputContext.
>The one of the best sample is attached as QXIMInputContext in Qt/X11.
>Please check this code.
>Daisuke Kameda
>   Japan KDE Users' Group:  President
>     mailto:daisuke at kde.gr.jp  http://www.kde.gr.jp/~daisuke/
>   immodule for Qt Project:  Project Maintainer
>     http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software_2fimmodule_2dqt
>   SMG Co., Ltd.:  Engineering Creator
>     mailto:kameda at smg.co.jp  http://www.smg.co.jp/
>     http://www.smg.co.jp/opensource/CommonDesktopInfrastructure/
>manish.s.sharma at nokia.com wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> For quite some time I am working on QInputContext 
>implementation. I want
>> to implement this interface to make my own Input Method to do some
>> specific actions when the text is entered in a text editor. 
>I searched a
>> lot on internet, but I cant find any example or way to implement. 
>> Now I have implemented this class and attached this input 
>context to a
>> QTextEdit with setInputContext. But I am not able to get any callback
>> when keys are pressed, though I am getting callback on reset() and
>> setFocusWidget function when focus on the QTextEdit changes.
>> I am not able to start the communication between Widget and Input
>> Context. What is the use of inputMethodEvent? I think when 
>we send any
>> event from input context this function in a widget should get a call.
>> What are QInputMethodEvent? How do I use this?
>> I have attached the source code.
>> Please help me. I cant find any reference :(, very eager to 
>get response
>> from you.

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