Minutes from August 6 Release Wranglers call

Stuart Kreitman Stuart.Kreitman at Sun.COM
Mon Aug 9 08:12:00 PDT 2004

Kevin E Martin wrote:

>>- https://freedesktop.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=993 ("Build failure
>>with |#define BuildXevie NO|")
>I've checked in changes to fix this problem (and another one that the
>first fix uncovered).  The changes I had to make to event.c seemed
>reasonable, but I would appreciate it if someone more familiar with
>Xevie could look at the solution to make sure everything still works
that would be me.

>Also, this brings up an issue that was raised on the xorg at fdo mailing
>list: Are we going to keep Xevie in Xext or are we going to put it into
>a library of its own?
How about a plan for a separate library for xevie and other small 
extensions for some period, then move them
to Xext?


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