The other kbd bug from today's call

Kristian Høgsberg krh at
Fri Aug 13 21:52:36 PDT 2004

Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> Kristian Høgsberg wrote:
>> Do you propose to keep the "keyboard"->"kbd" alias around after the 
>> old driver has been removed or just until the next release?
> Is there any reason not to just leave the aliasing around?

If we can keep the alias in the kbd driver instead of hardcoding a 
strcmp("keyboard", ...) in the module loading logic it should be OK. 
Maybe we can let the module register two drivers, or make a "keyboard" 
module that just loads "kbd" as a submodule.

>> Besides, people upgrading from packages instead of
>> tar.gz would probably not notice anything, since the package could 
>> just patch xorg.conf.
> Do we have a packager's guide so that everyone who builds packages
> knows they need to do things like this?  If not, should we?

Hmm... there is also #1029 which could require packager attention.  This 
could be an appendix in the release notes.


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