Losing sight of the short-term goal

Egbert Eich release-wranglers@freedesktop.org
Thu Mar 11 21:17:08 PST 2004

Harold L Hunt II writes:
 > After seeing the monolithic vs. modular discussion yet again, can we all 
 > just remember the short-term goal:
 > Ship a monolithic release as soon as possible that is as close as 
 > possible to XFree86 4.4.0.
 > Please, lets try to accomplish our short term goal without too much 
 > distraction.

This discussion came up because some people feel some urgency to talk
about this issue. 
The discussion is entirely independent of our release goals. 
However I do see the problem that there is a delay because
people would like to see more things to go into the release
than strictly necessary.


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