Where do we plan to put release bits?

Egbert Eich eich at pdx.freedesktop.org
Tue Mar 23 10:45:48 PST 2004

Jim Gettys writes:
 > Actually, this begs a series of questions:
 > 1) where are we putting release bits?

Maybe point people to the Wiki (or just www.X.org?).
They can navigate from there if the site is prepared.
 > 2) what mailing list for bug reports?

That can be made configurable. The necessary defines are in
config/cf. I'm not sure though how to make this configurable
for SGML. Also the template file with the necessary defines
(xorg.tmpl) only gets included by Server.tmpl. 
I was not so sure yet how to resolve this problem.

 > 3) what mailing list for user help?

Another question: do we want to point people at a mailing list
at all? Let's only point them to the WIKI.

 > 4) where is the FAQ?

wiki.X.org ? There is also an Imake define for that.


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