[SCIM] Re: ANN: SCIM-chewing 0.1.1 released.

Mike FABIAN mfabian at suse.de
Tue Dec 21 06:16:52 PST 2004

jserv at linux2.cc.ntu.edu.tw さんは書きました:

>   The public released version is very rough yet, but it is proven
> to work well. You can download the tarball via the website (with
> Chinese text). The latest tarball is here:
>   http://chewing.csie.net/download/scim/

Thank you very much. I tried to build rpm packages for SuSE Linux.
My first attempt is here:


It appears to work (although I cannot test the packages well as I
don't speak Chinese and cannot use the Chewing input method well).

But there is one obvious error, the setup module of scim-chewing
doesn't appear in the SCIM setup dialogue. When starting scim-setup,
I see an error message:

    mfabian at magellan:~$ scim-setup
    Loading Setup Module chewing-imengine-setup
    Setup Module chewing-imengine-setup load failed!
    Starting Setup UI...
    mfabian at magellan:~$

Did I make a mistake when building the packages or is there possibly
a bug in scim-chewing?

So far I tried this only on an AMD 64bit machine.

Mike FABIAN   <mfabian at suse.de>   http://www.suse.de/~mfabian

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