[SCIM] The new features I'm implementing.

Yukiko Bando ybando at k6.dion.ne.jp
Wed Nov 10 18:44:30 PST 2004

On Sunday 07 November 2004 00:20, Zhe Su wrote:
>   Currently I'm implementing the following features in the next major
> SCIM release:
> 1. Multiple displays support for one user at the same time (DONE).
> 2. Add a beep method in IMEngine interface (DONE).
> 3. Client Helper interface, for client side GUI Helper module, eg.
> customized GUI, On Screen Keyboard, Handwriting, etc. (WIP)
> 4. Proxy IMEngine support, for revert conversion etc. (TODO)
> 5. Keyboard Layout remapping, eg. remap QWERTZ, Dovrak layouts to QWERTY.
> (TODO)
> Do you have any suggestions and ideas about these features? Or, do
> you have any new requests? Please tell us.


I'd like to make a small request about the candidate selection in Smart 
Pinyin.  Maybe it is related with #5 of the above?     

It's very convenient to be able to select a candidate from the list by number 
(which is not implemented in UIM's Japanese input methods...), especially 
when what I want is the last one in the proposed list.  On some keyboard 
layouts like French AZERTY, however, one has to press Shift to get 1-0 (see 
below).  Also, with my custom xmodmap, I have to press a mode switch key 
because 1-0 are in the second group...   

Of course, one has the option to use a different keyboard layout for Chinese 
input, but switching between two layouts is a little bit confusing for me, 
and probably so it is for most people, I guess.  So, I wonder if either of the 
following would be possible.

* Allow users to customize the select keys.
* SCIM (or scim-chinese) judges what users select from the list by keycode 
instead of characters/figures that are mapped to a key.   

I hope I'm not asking for something crazy... :)

Looking forward to the next release.  Thank you.


(French AZERTY layout)
keycode  10 = ampersand 1
keycode  11 = eacute 2 dead_tilde
keycode  12 = quotedbl 3 numbersign
keycode  13 = apostrophe 4 braceleft
keycode  14 = parenleft 5 bracketleft
keycode  15 = minus 6 bar
keycode  16 = egrave 7 dead_grave
keycode  17 = underscore 8 backslash
keycode  18 = ccedilla 9 asciicircum
keycode  19 = agrave 0 at

(My custom xmodmap)
keycode  10 = EuroSign exclam 1 
keycode  11 = eacute quotedbl  2
keycode  12 = ugrave numbersign 3
keycode  13 = apostrophe dollar 4
keycode  14 = asterisk percent 5
keycode  15 = minus ampersand 6 
keycode  16 = egrave apostrophe 7  
keycode  17 = at parenleft 8
keycode  18 = ccedilla parenright 9
keycode  19 = agrave asciitilde 0

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